Advanced Grades Confidentiality
Advanced Grades Confidentiality | |
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Author | Dave LaCroix Chris Black |
Type of Article | Category:Blog |
People sometimes wonder what to tell their friends who are considering reading the Scientology "confidential" materials, some of which have appeared on the Internet.
Below are some references you can refer people to.
It should be noted the "OT" levels of Scientology are called "Advanced Courses", meaning they are courses of study.
This is an important distinction because it emphasizes the fact that successfully completing those levels requires more than simply reading the processes or theory. The training required to prepare a person to know how to solo-audit on the OT levels is actually quite extensive and not understood or appreciated generally.
confidential data[edit | edit source]
All Tech & Qual Staff Ethics
1. No Ethics Chit written by anyone should contain data which is classified as confidential.
2. Such material so classified is contained in Power Processes, Clearing Course and Advanced Courses."
R6EW and Clear[edit | edit source]
All Tech Secs
All Qual Secs
Adv Courses (Cancels and replaces Class VIII C/S HCO PL 28 January, 1970 "R6EW and Clear".)
Above VA processes, one enters the field of Advanced Courses.
Advanced Courses, specifically R6EW and CC, deal with R6, materials of which one DOES HAVE TO AUDIT in order to attain the stable gains of the grade.
In the old R6EW Checksheet, the study background and the process itself were all in one pack. There were possibilities that one would self-audit once he has seen the auditing materials; it was observed that some people factually did self-audit and later on they had to have a patch-up in Review on a grade that wasn't audited in the first place! Well, that is a Non-Standard action to begin with on Advanced Courses. Therefore, we made R6EW materials into 2 packs = study in Div IVs (orgs) and auditing materials are issued at the last minute in Div Vs, as per HCO P/L 4 December 69 "Confidential. Additions and Changes to R6EW Checksheet" (HCO P/L of 2 Oct 69).
The liability of self-auditing of the Grade VI got resolved then and the preclears audited the grade with fantastic wins."
OT Course[edit | edit source]
(Replaces HCO Policy Letter of 12 August AD 16)
The OT Course has been inaugurated as of 10 August AD 16.
This Course is by invitation only and by invitation to each separate part of the Course.
It is only open to Clears who must have been checked out Clear by the Saint Hill Qualifications Division or at the appointed Continental Organization authorized to give Clear Checks.
The invitation to the Course or to any succeeding part depends on several factors.:
1. Security of R6EW, Class VII and Clearing materials in the student's hands.
2. Degree of participation the being has engaged in in Scientology.
3. The general character of the being as a Scientologist, based on his Ethics record.
4. The Scientology technical proficiency of the being."
Security of Data[edit | edit source]
Tech Hats
Qual Hats
Course Packs
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
(Taken from and replaces HCO PL 10 Nov. 66)
Issued with a small amount of R6 data in 1964, three or four persons promptly used it on pcs knowing well it was forbidden. The pcs became ill or misemotional toward us. And just the day I write this (original writing 4 October 1965)
I myself encountered a pc, very ill, who had had some original R6 data misused on her and did not suspect why her case and health had worsened. She was not ready for it at all.
The issue earlier was a trial balloon, in a sense. I found certain persons (a small minority) were not up to responsibility for the material of April 1964. Therefore our firm action will be that the moment we find the material of the Clearing Course or OT Course has escaped or been misused we will quickly trace the person who was insecure and cut off all further or any future Clearing or OT data issue to that person. The likelihood of independent discovery even with clues has proven to be nonexistent by actual review of auditors trying to find pieces of it when they had over half of the answers already.
You must. realize that we suffer, all of us, from the misuse of knowledge concerning the mind at a very early period. To place this data near such people as psychiatrists or even states, places them in a position to enslave people or repeat the original action and cave people in. A very small minority, receiving incorrect data, did promptly use it harmfully on others after April 1964.
Until we ourselves have climbed well out of the hole, we must safeguard the materials. Our case gains depend on it. And others could make our salvage of people impossible.
We do not safeguard these materials from any commercial consideration.
Our futures, those of each of us and those of all Scientologists, depend on our keeping this material under lock and safeguarded from abuse until we are well away as a group and can handle things better as individuals as well as a group.
The road is wide open to anyone to come up the grades and obtain them. But it is shut to any who misuse them or injure their security.
Students of the Advanced Courses, the Advanced Course CIS and Supervisor, Ethics Officers and all HCO and org staff have it in their personal interest to enforce security of materials to the limit.
These restrictions apply to no data up to Grade V.
From Power Processing on up the data is confidential. Up to there, you can release Scientology data as you always have-freely and to everyone. But this last bit is dangerous in unskilled or uneducated or unscrupulous hands and it is purely ours. It belongs to the Scientologists who keep the show on the road and must be available to them when they are ready.
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