Tim Berners-Lee

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This site owes a great deal to pioneers and innovators, like (Sir) Tim Berners-Lee who had the vision and intellect to create the world-changing technologies we are using.

Our ability to disseminate and "Clear" people is many thousands of times enhanced because people like Tim have put their 'shoulder to the wheel'.

The World Wide Web has evolved from merely displaying static documents, i.e. text only (Web 1.0), to Web 2.0 where pages could become DYNAMIC in their ability to present images, video and many other elements that make the Internet a far more compelling experience.

In his discussion below, Tim talks about the direction the web is going as it evolves beyond the dynamic presentation Web 2.0, into the an entirely new tool for organizing and presenting DATA. the Semantic Web.

The web of data[edit | edit source]

His vision for Web 3.0 is to make the content on pages useful in many ways beyond what is done today. He gives some examples but I urge you to use your imagination about our own subject matter. If you think there might be ways the technologies and DATA L Ron Hubbard left us could be more easily displayed and presented to people - then you are thinking along the same track as Mr. Berners-Lee.

Scientolipedia.org is embracing these ideas and as of this writing is in its infancy in presenting some adaptations of them.

storytellers[edit | edit source]

Have you noticed that some people can tell a story better than others?

One guy can recount an event and leave people yawning while another could tell the same story with enthusiasm and gestures and amusing anecdotes and have everyone captivated and riveted to their seats. Probably all the arts are devoted to finding ways of communicating in unique ways that get us to look at things differently.

The creation of the Internet and the later innovation by Sir Tim Berners-Lee of the World Wide Web (WWW), has been a technological revolution toward "telling the story" in a better way.

The early "flat document" presentation of data on the Web was a giant step forward but compared to what we have today was much like the boring raconteur described above. It exploded onto the world and people were amazed with it and universally embraced it because at the time, it was a way of telling the story beyond anything ever imagined.

The revolution/evolution continues and it's all about how to tell a better story.

In the late '90's the Web took an evolutionary jump and started presenting data, telling the story, by including pictures and video and graphics and links and many other elements on web pages to make them far more interesting.

Now the story-tellers or more precisely, the people who enable us to tell our stories, are moving the Web in the direction of making the Data more usable and presentable.

Confusing terminology hides this fact from most people. But the bottom line of it all is that it is enabling us to tell stories better.

Scientolipedia.org is in the early stages of embracing and utilizing those technologies. It is a far better way to "tell the story" of LRH, Scientology, Scientologists and the Tech than any other effort or application available today.

The fact that its outside "skin" has yet to be designed, may be hiding the roaring Nascar racer underneath. So it's been an uphill struggle to demonstrate this claim.

But if you think there might be a better way to tell the Scientology story, keep people interested and put the subject in its proper perspective - then we are in agreement.

The Inventor of the World Wide Web

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