Objective Assists
Objective Assists | |
Author | Christine Norstrand, USA (1998) |
Type of Article | Category:Articles |
Special Note:
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Objective Assists
- [Taken from IVy 36 (1998, page 40)] [[1]]
Recovering Lost Technology Series: 1 [1]
OBJECTIVES (BOPs or basic objective processes) produce some of the highest gains to be had in processing. This article is the first of a series to introduce some of the lesser-known objectives [2]. I don’t assume that the reader is trained but hope to introduce some lesser known processes that will surprise even some professional processors who are familiar with the processes taught in the standard scientology curriculum.
BOPs can be a vital first step on a viewer’s program. Failure to honestly complete objectives can slow or hinder the viewer’s ability to make case gain later. Some viewers, because of a series of trauma, such as an extensive drug history or abuse find it difficult or impossible to execute a subjective [3] processing direction. This effectively stops their processing right there. Moreover, it is almost impossible to get a person to look at something that they are being, or have “collapsed terminals” with.
Objective processes invite a viewer to get into communication with and examine her relationship with her physical environment. They raise her ability to confront and be at cause over her environment. The results of these processes can be quite phenomenal.
Some LRH quotes on objectives:
- “The goal of processing is to bring a person into such thorough communication with the physical universe that he can regain the power and ability of his own considerations (postulates)”. [4]
- “A person goes out of present time to the degree that he cannot confront the MEST of present time. In the absence of present time, all becomes bank” [5]
There are roughly four types of objective processes:
■ Objective assists, primarily for illness, injury, or loss;
■ Orientation and destimulative processes, such as one might use in conjunction with a detoxification program or series of body-targeted medical treatments;
■ Core objectives, the objective processes that most people are familiar with, and expanded core objectives;
■ Advanced processes and drills, processes that can be quite advanced, even inviting the viewer to operate and create effects while exterior to her body.
Running Assists
Assists are just what the name implies, processes to help a person over a rough spot. There are many assist processes. Here we are looking at objective assists. They are not intended for serious case gain, although that can and does occur. Assists are unlimited processes; that is, they can be run as often as needed. Generally, the sicker or more overwhelmed the viewer, the shorter the session.
The process end point of an assist is quite different from a regular objectives process. What you are looking for is some sign of relief, a win, a slight extroversion of attention. Don’t give the already overwhelmed person another threat to deal with. Just start with something that the viewer can do and get her doing that to small wins. You can always continue the process in the next session.
Some Sample Processes
1. Assist for an Unconscious Person
(You make that body lie on that bed)
References: [6]
- Tape: 608C231 SHACC-10 “Handling Insanity”
- Tape: 5904C29 “HGC Allowed Processes ACC Processes as of May 21,1959”
- HCOB 4 December 1959 Clear Procedure Scientology Clear Procedure Issue One, December 1959.
Process Description
The key rule is that “One must always find something the preclear can do and then better that ability”. An unconscious person is usually lying in a bed. If not, the command must be varied to fit the environment. In such cases, a grip on the person’s hand and use of a slight squeeze each time the auditor acknowledges considerably the process. Take the person’s hand and continue holding it while you run the process. Tactile communication is most real to an unconscious person. However, do not assume that the person does not hear what is going on in the vicinity of the body. There are many reports of seemingly unconscious persons recounting the details of a surgical procedure, even down to the surgeon’s bad jokes.
For someone lying on a bed:
“You make that body lie in that bed”. “Thank you”.
Each acknowledgement is accompanied by a slight squeeze of the person’s hand.
For someone sitting in a chair:
“You seat that body on that chair” “Thank you”.
Each acknowledgement is accompanied by the same slight squeeze of the hand.
End point
This process can be run on an unconscious person for several successive sessions. It has been known to help a person become conscious again. Signs of a good point to end off a session include a sudden relaxing of the body, a slight squeeze back from the person, an improvement in the person’s color or tone. The process can be continued in later sessions.
2. An Assist for a Psychotic (Feel the Wall)
This process is also excellent for introductory sessions.
- Tape: 5304C08A SPRL-17 “Case Levels 6 and 7” Dianetics Today, State of Case scale
Process Description
On a person who is psychotic, you would try to get him to present time, to establish some communication with the physical reality of present time. You get him into communication and then bring him into present time. He can’t run anchor points because when you ask him to kind of reach out and imagine the comers of the room, he can’t, because there’s lions and tigers in them or there’s something wrong with the corners of the room or he can’t reach out or he can’t do this or that and he starts to spin.
Don’t get fancy! Remember you have a communication shutdown. So the more complicated messages you try to give him, the less you’ll get through. Operate in an A-B-C basic mode.
You say to him, “Put your hands on the wall and feel it. Keep your hands on the wall until you can feel it very well”. And have him sit there and do this. Anything is liable to happen. But remember that this is an effort to get him into present time.
“Put your hand on the wall and feel it”.
“Keep your hands on the wall until you can feel it very well”.
End Point
The person more in present time. This can be an indication that she has noticed something in the environment that she hasn’t noticed before. Or a statement to the effect that she feels “more here”. As for all overwhelmed viewers, this process should be short sessioned and the person allowed to have her win. The process can be continued in later sessions.
3. An assist for Injury
(Put your attention on my hand)
This process should follow the application of any necessary first aid.
- Tape: 5406C17 6ACC 50 “Assists”
- Volunteer Minister’s Handbook, Chapter on Assists.
Process Description
This is a process which can be used as an emergency assist.
Let’s say that you were a public school playground supervisor and a child falls down and wrenches his ankle. You get to the child; you want a minimum of talk in the vicinity always. You just ask the child, “Put your attention on my hand”, and you put your hand below that ankle (in other words, on his heel, his shoe, his toes and so forth), “Thank you”.
Maybe the child is writhing around in pain but he will at least try to do it. You will feel the limb tremble, you will feel the tremor abate, you will feel it cut-in again and then get quiet and for several placements no particular result. And then, you will feel the tremble and you will feel it abate except that the tremble each time will be less. The person will actually feel the impact over again that caused the injury. The child will (if you do this well for about ten, fifteen minutes) quite ordinarily simply get up and walk without a limp and no difficulty.
First, tell the person what you are going to do. Let him know that you want him to give you a signal every time he has put his attention on your hand.
“Put your attention on my hand”. (Move your hand, before giving the command). “Thank you”.
“Put your attention on my hand”. “Thank you”.
“Put your attention on my hand”. “Good”.
“Put your attention on my hand”. “Okay”,
etc. to End Point.
End Point
Pain gone, a realization, and good indicators.
4. An Assist for a lingering illness
(Places where the condition does not exist)
- Tape: 5410C13 “Retraining Unit B & C”
- Tape: 5501C05 “The Society at Large”
Process Description
Here is a process which is an interesting one. Remember, this one cuts down havingness and is not the most reliable process in the world. It certainly would not be something you addressed to a very seriously ill person. But let’s suppose this person was just having a hard time recuperating. They are not very sick, they just can’t go home, or something like that. Just ask them a few times, “Give me some places where the condition does not exist. Point it out”. “Where is another place where it doesn’t exist,” and all of a sudden the condition to them does not exist.
This process is not as broadly workable as laying on of hands. It is not anywhere near as hot as exteriorization. But is quite a process, all by itself.
“Give me some place where the condition does not exist”.
“Point it out”. (Actually have the person point toward it.)
“Where is another place where it doesn’t exist”.
“Point it out”, etc. to EP.
End Point
Run this process to a new realization or an ability is regained. Follow with the person’s havingness process. [7]
5. An assist for a loss
- Volunteer Minister’s Handbook
Process Description:
A person who is sitting in a loss is unknowingly restimulated by things in the environment that remind her of that loss. By having her notice the restimulators, their ability to trigger responses lessens. And you coax her attention back into present time.
Lightly let her tell you about the loss. Get her wording for what she lost.
Take a walk and have her point out things that are not reminding her of_______ .
This process can be run on oneself. While walking, notice things that do not remind you of what or who was lost.
While walking,
“Point out something that does not remind you of _______ “Thank you”.
“Point out something else that does not remind you of ______”. “Thank you”.
etc. to an end point.
End Point
Run this process until the person brightens up, has a new realization, or an ability is regained. This is an unlimited process. And can be run for other losses or in successive sessions.
- ^ This is also no. 12 in the current [1998] Objectives series in IVy.
- ^ See http://ivymag.org/authors.html and look under Norstrand, Christine for further articles by Christine.
- ^ Subjective processes ask a viewer to examine her thoughts, feelings, and personal history. Objective processes bring a viewer into the present.
- ^ Scientology 0-8, Consideration and Mechanics.
- ^ Objectives and Havingness (HCO Bulletin, date not traced).
- ^ All references in this article are taken from the works of L. Ron Hubbard. The question of who owns those copyrights is still undetermined in the courts. These processes are quoted under “fair use copyright laws”.
- ^ If the person’s havingness process has not been found, a reliable process is a dozen commands of “Touch that . Feel that ”.