Translating Scientolipedia/es
Translating Scientolipedia/es | |
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Author | Dave LaCroix |
Type of Article | Category:Blog |
Website | |
Social Media | ![]() ![]() | |
Software ha sido traducido a todos los idiomas del mundo.
Nuestra próxima tarea es traducir el contenido.
wikipedia gracias[edit | edit source]
Al igual que Wikipedia, ahora tenemos la capacidad de hacer la historia de la Asunto de la Cienciología a disposición de todo el mundo - en el idioma local!
Debido a los esfuerzos sin precedentes por miles de personas de todo el mundo que han hecho esta capacidad una realidad trabajando durante años para hacer el software de Wikipedia, el mismo scientolipedia software. org utiliza, multilingüe y localizados en todas partes, que ahora son capaces de tomar ventaja de estos esfuerzos y hacer traducciones disponibles en nuestro sitio.
Le debemos mucho a las personas que trabajan para el muy alto propósito de hacer posible que los "cada persona en el planeta se da acceso libre a la suma de todo el conocimiento humano" .
Our purpose to tell the true story of the Subject of Scientology, its people, history and founder - aligns with that of the Wikimedia Foundation and we are very grateful for their work.
lo que se traduce?[edit | edit source]
site visitors[edit | edit source]
ALL of the site software is already translated into every language.
Cualquier visitante del sitio puede seleccionar su idioma nativo de la parte superior de cualquier página. (Encontrar el lenguaje enlace "Inglés" (por defecto) y haga clic en él para seleccionar su idioma - véase el ejemplo de una imagen a la derecha)
After selecting your native language, you will then find all site messages and some of the sidebar links already translated.
new users[edit | edit source]
As a logged-in user, you can select your native language, as above, when creating an account or at any time, and then find that ALL the software instructions for creating an account, system messages and email notifications will be in your native language.
Any content not yet translated, will appear to you in the default English language.
content translations[edit | edit source]
The content on individual pages needs to be translated into the various languages of the world by supporters.
This means YOU!
Individual auditors can translate their pages to promote in their native language - and anyone else can choose pages they would like to translate to help in our global dissemination efforts.
We (site admins) will put the page into the translations queue and notify you it is ready for translation. (contact us at
Videos, webcasts and other help pages will be created so you can learn how to do the translations.
The simplicity of the operation is that pages are separated into bite-sized segments showing a split-screen view for each segment - with the English version next to an open panel for your translation. You then translate the entire page all at once, or leave it to finish later. The software keeps track of all these operations to make it easy for translators to always find where they left off.
The software is easy to use and makes for very fast translations of pages. (same software used at
- Note: the translations for this page were done using Google Translate and may not be as accurate as those done by humans translating into their native language.
log in screen examples[edit | edit source]
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