OT's and the History of Remote Viewing

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This article is incomplete. It's posted here in the hope someone will help edit and complete it.

3 part podcast on RV[edit | edit source]

See our Three Part Podcast series on Remote Viewing here!

background[edit | edit source]

This is a brief history of Remote Viewing. No effort has been made to address any skepticism, nor is there any attempt to prove or confirm for the believer the existence of the phenomenon. Much of what follows has been derived directly or from books and publications based on declassified government documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act or actual textbooks on the subjects discussed.

skeptics and believers[edit | edit source]

First allow me to address the so called "skeptics". Considering that something is possible is not the same as belief. For instance the difference between an agnostic and an atheist, is the former is unsure of God's existence while the latter believes absolutely that God doesn't exist. Tell me which of the two is a product of faith. Skepticism can, like religious belief be taken to the extreme. Especially when you consider the oft quoted statement by an unknown skeptic "This is the sort of thing I wouldn't believe, even if it were true"!

Next the "believer" believes. Thus any attempt to prove or disprove their convictions is time wasted.

Now the skeptic may disagree, but in many cases the skeptic is a believer himself in orthodox science.

While on the other hand the believer may be skeptical of the Scientific method, even when it has been liberated from the constraints of religiosity of scientific orthodoxy. Thus, the skeptic is at times a believer and the believer a skeptic, depending on whose ox is being gored.

Whether psychic abilities exist or not is up to the reader to decide.

What follows is a summary of what has been documented by various sources, interspersed with an occasional insight and the rare opinion, which I take full responsibility for. However, I will try to remain objective walking the fine line between skepticism and belief, while avoiding the deep pit of mediocrity.

psychic gap[edit | edit source]

One thing that has been accepted on faith by almost all parties concerned is the former DCI Stansfield Turner's claim that the CIA with much trepidation reflexively began their pursuit into realm of the paranormal as a response to the USSR¹s research into the phenomenon. Any public utterance from an organization that has turned plausible denial into an art form is, shall I say is dubious. Supporters of this claim cite the best seller [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirlian_photography#History Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder],[1] as the book that spooked our spooks at Langley into closing a psychic gap.

Having an "intelligence agency" that would operate solely on "open source" in intelligence parlance, would be like having a meteorologist who watched the weather channel. Yet where is a CISCOP when you need one? Why aren't they Investigating this claim of the paranormal?

Actually interest in psychic phenomena began much earlier than that, according the CIA¹s own in house publication Studies In Intelligence entitled Parapsychology in Intelligence: A Personal Review and Conclusions by Kenneth Kress [2]

"Anecdotal reports of extrasensory perception (ESP) capabilities have reached U.S. national security agencies at least since World War II, when Hitler was said to rely on astrologers and seers. Suggestions for military applications of ESP continued to be received after World War II. For example, in1952 the Department of Defense was lectured on the possible usefulness of extrasensory perception in psychological warfare [1]. Over the years, reports continued to accumulate. In 1961, the reports induced one of the earliest U.S. government parapsychology investigations when the chief of CIA¹s Office of Technical Service (then the Technical Services Division) became interested in the claims of ESP. Technical project officers soon contacted Stephen I. Abrams, the Director of the Parapsychological Laboratory, Oxford University,England. Under the auspices of Project ULTRA, Abrams prepared a review article which claimed ESP was demonstrated but not understood or controllable [2]...

[1] Puharich, A. (1977). On the possible usefulness of extrasensory perception in psychological warfare (delivered to a 1952 Pentagon conference). The Washington Post, August 7

[2] Abrams, S. I. (1965). Extrasensory Perception, Draft report. December 14.(1)"

As you can see there is no mention of Ostrander and Schroeder's breathless prose or such revelations causing much of a stir at all in the intelligence community at the time. Though this book did have the effect of garnering public support for psychic research, matching an interesting historical parallel.

Of course "Project ULTRA" quoted in the above article is the notorious Mk Ultra.

The Long Strange Trip to The Paranormal[edit | edit source]

We have a similar mythos about Mk Ultra. In 1950 Edward Hunter writes a series articles for the Miami Sun exposing "brain washing" in Communist China and Soviet Russia.

What very few knew then or even now, was that Hunter was an Agency employee working under cover as a "journalist" and that "brain washing" was a word that he coined. (2) From John Marks' book The Search for the Manchurian Candidate , at the time that Germany's Third Reich was experimenting with Mescaline at Dachau:

³(T)he Office of Strategic Services (OSS), America's wartime intelligence agency, set up a "truth drug" committee under Dr. Winfred Overholser, head of St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Washington. The committee quickly tried and rejected mescaline, several barbiturates, and scopolamine. Then, during the spring of 1943, the committee decided that Cannabis indica‹or marijuana‹showed the most promise, and it started a testing program in cooperation with the Manhattan Project, the TOP SECRET effort to build an atomic bomb. It is not clear why OSS turned to the bomb makers for help, except that, as one former Project official puts it, "Our secret was so great, I guess we were safer than anyone else." Apparently, top Project leaders, who went to incredible lengths to preserve security, saw no danger in trying out drugs on their personnel.(3)²

Revelations about "brain washing" served much the same purpose as exposure of "psychic discoveries". It could rationalize the Intelligence Community's interest in mind control or psychic influencing.

The National Security Act of 1947 had created the Central Intelligence Agency and placed it under the direction of the National Security Council headed by the Director of Central Intelligence or DCI and what remained of the OSS like Sir Perceval had bequeathed its quest for the sangreal of a truth drug.

The program had several transmigrations, first as Bluebird under the Office of Security, then as Artichoke when the program was transferred to the Scientific Intelligence Unit, from there going back and forth between OS and SIU due to bureaucratic wrangling and finally burrowing itself deep with in the Clandestine Services as Mk Ultra under the notorious Sidney Gottlieb Director of the Technical Services Staff(4).

Of course the Merry Pranksters of the TSS found something even more potent than marijuana or even Mescaline! A substance where dosage was measured in one millionth of an ounce or in micrograms, developed by Albert Hoffman a chemist working for the Swiss Pharmaceutical firm Sandoz known as dlysergic acid diethylamide, or LSD.

Since the TSS came under the Directorate of Operations. The drug was used operationally, much of its "operational" use is described Martin A. Lee & Bruce Shlain Acid Dreams, The Complete Social History of LSD:The CIA, the Sixties, and Beyond (5).

According to Lee & Shlain in Chapter 2 The Original Captain Trips was a man from the OSS named Captain Alfred M. Hubbard known as Cappy to his friends ,not to be confused with L Ron Hubbard another dramatis personae in this piece, known as the original "Johnny Appleseed of LSD(6)."

However probably the most influential proponent of mind expansion was the writer Aldous Huxley who had recently tripped on Mescaline in 1953 under the supervision Dr. Humphry Osmond and wrote the famous essay The Doors of Perception, describing his experiences with the "Mind -at- large"(7). It would eventually be Hubbard who would introduce Huxley to acid(8). Huxley was one to foresee the threat of pharmacological warfare in 1932 when he had written the classic Brave New World and though he had become an apostle of psychodelia he also feared its consequences publicizing his trepidation in a speech given at Berkeley in 1962 entitled the Ultimate Revolution :

"It seems to me that the nature of the ultimate revolution with which we are now faced is precisely this: That we are in process of developing a whole series of techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy who have always existed and presumably will always exist to get people to love their servitude. This is the, it seems to me, the ultimate in malevolent revolutions shall we say, and this is a problem which has interested me many years and about which I wrote thirty years ago, a fable, Brave New World, which is an account of society making use of all the devices available and some of the devices which I imagined to be possible making use of them in order to, first of all, to standardize the population, to iron out inconvenient human differences, to create, to say, mass produced models of human beings arranged in some sort of scientific caste system. Since then, I have continued to be extremely interested in this problem and I have noticed with increasing dismay a number of the predictions which were purely fantastic when I made them thirty years ago have come true or seem in process of coming true (9)."

It was just the year before this speech that Gottlieb's ultimate revolution was moving to another target of opportunity.

The majority Mk Ultra's subprojects dealt with the use of psychotropic drugs, particularly psychedelics a word coined by Huxley's friend Osmond. Others with electronic stimulation of the brain (ESB) such as Dr. Jose Delgado's work described in his paper Toward a Psychocivilized Society(10). It also included the creation of multiple personalities with hypnosis, as discussed in Science Digest April 1971 by G H Estabrooks under the title Hypnosis Comes of Age (11). To the excesses of Dr Ewan Cameron¹s research into "psychic driving" and "deep sleep"(12).

However that year the CIA was now encroaching on psychic territory, telepathy specifically, such as Mk Ultra Subproject 136 of 23 August 1961 alluded to in Kress¹ paper:

"1. The purpose of this project is to support the research of (name redacted) an 'Experimental Analysis of Extrasensory Perception'. A proposal describing his research activities is attached.

Ingo Swann - renowned Remote Viewer and Scientology OT

"2. (Name redacted) research effort is moving beyond the question of whether the phenomenon, extrasensory perception (ESP) exists. He is attempting to approach the twin question of what the functional relationship between other personality factors and ESP skills , and what are the factors that must be considered in using ESP as a method of communication. Any positive results along these lines would have an obvious utility for the Agency (Emphasis mine)(13)."

The redacted name and institution was very likely Stephen I. Abrams, the Director of the Parapsychological Laboratory, directly referenced in Parapsychology in Intelligence: A Personal Review and Conclusions(14).

This "obvious utility" could be a double edged sword. As a one security officer is quoted to say after a Remote Viewing demonstration "Hell there¹s no security left!"(15).

Scanning by Coordinates[edit | edit source]

Remote Viewing's genus according to Swann in his on line book Remote Viewing The Real Story (16) was at the American Society of Psychical Research in New York city. A venerable institute of psychic research established in 1885 by such luminaries as William James Professor of Philosophy and Harvard Psychologist and Chestor Carlson inventor of the Xerox(17).

According to Swann after becoming bored with their clinical approach and in order to break the monotony and "burn out" he was experiencing convinced them, that instead of using Zener cards to use actual geographical targets as an impromptu test of psychic ability , in this case randomly selected US cities then having him describe the weather conditions at these locations. Many targets were selected and confirmed by calling the Weather Bureau of each city but the most spectacular hit occurred when the monitor called out Tucson Arizona and Swann replied:

"Am over a wet highway, buildings nearby and in the distance. The wind is blowing. It's cold. And it is raining hard."

"That's it! Tucson's having a fucking big rainstorm,(18)" which turned out to be true, Tucson at that exact moment was experiencing such a meteorological anomaly.

Also at ASPR, we have the progenitor of what would become known as the Outbounder Experiments at SRI, with Vera Feldman acting as the "beacon" , later known as Outbounder at SRI and the target location being the Museum of Natural History "Swann - 2/22/72 - Responses (taken from record) First Museum Trip

"10:35 AM - She's there already.

"(FEEDBACK: Unexpected, approximate time of arrival correct.)

"10:45 AM - I think she's in a room that's round with a hallway and a flight of stairs to the south. There are large paintings on the wall.

"(Almost correct. Vera was in a large octagon-shaped room. The walls were lined with glassed exhibits of monkeys and so forth - but the specimens were displayed against very large backdrop paintings. I didn't discriminate between the painted backdrop display and the specimens just in front of them.)

"10:50 AM - She's in a large room that is darkened. There are lots of animals.

"(Correct. She was in one of the great Animal Exhibit Halls, which were darkened.)

"10:55 AM - I guess that must be a long corridor and there is a telephone booth nearby.

"(Correct. Vera was a little behind her schedule, and at 10:55 was rushing through a long corridor. She first said that there was no telephone booth. But when we later I went to the museum to photograph the targets for the record, there was not a telephone booth there. But there WAS a telephone hanging on the wall near a doorway.

I was particularly pleased with this one result. It consisted of a telephone I had seen, but which Vera had not. This, then, was NOT telepathy, but a traveling form of clairvoyance proper. This meant I was scanning the surroundings, not Vera herself, or her own impressions. THIS aspect was to be extremely important in the years ahead when doing operational sites for you-know-who.)² Of course by "you know who" Swann is referring to our friends on the dark side in Langley also known as an "east coast scientist"(19).

"11:00 AM - That's the room with the dinosaurs in it.

"(Correct. Vera was in a room with big dinosaur bones.)

"11:05 AM - I see something red. Maybe it's a series of stones of some sort. That one seems confused, whatever it is. Lots of cases filled with things.

"(Correct. Prior to the Museum's later construction of more dramatic displays for its gemstone collections, the stones had been placed in dozens of large glassed-over cases in a tremendous room. Other larger crystals and stones, some of them very large, were displayed without glass and separately or in large collections.)

"11:10 AM - I guess she's outside on the steps. There are steps anyway.

"(This was an apparent miss, although Vera said she was thinking about how to get out of the Museum.)(20).²

As you can see the outbounder method or the use of a beacon would be of limited value in espionage. First you'd have to insert an agent into hostile territory a considerable feat in itself according to Joseph Trento (21) and Victor Marchetti (22) it had never been done with any success against their primary target the USSR, then they would have to find their way to a sensitive military or research facility. Any one that's ever had a hankering to check out Groom Lake may be familiar with term "Deadly Force", but let's say our agent's a real James Bond and actually infiltrates the facility. It's likely that a Minox camera would probably more useful than a psychic at this point. However Outbounding had its uses in convincing skeptics, some who became true believers themselves after acting as Remote Viewers in Outbound experiments and also because the targets could easily be judged and verified (23).

Remote Viewing by location had its draw back as well. Even an astral traveller riding on some kind of extraterrestrial ultradimensional highway is still going to require some kind of road map. Swann attributes that cartography to computer scientist Jacque Vallee more famous as an aficionado of Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon who suggested the idea of addresses, which in the strictest cybernetic sense is a location for data, each with a unique identifying number assigned to it much like a home address(24).

It was after this recommendation that Swann says that he came up with the idea of using geographical coordinates. This procedure became known as Scanning by Coordinates and was given project name Scanate by the CIA(25).

As an aside its interesting to note that true to the computerized analogy of out of body perception, it was found that when Coordinated Remote Viewing was transferred to INSCOM that encrypted coordinates seemed to work just as well (26).

The Stanford Research Institute Swann's encounter with the esteemed UFOlogist Vallee was not merely by chance. Both men happened to be in the periphery of the Stanford Research Institute, located in Menlo Park California. Next to the famous Rand Corporation, SRI is the biggest "think tank" on the West Coast, probably the reason for Vallee's presence wasn't UFO related but likely had to do with R & D of the ARPAnet (27).

The reason Swann was there was that Harold better known as Hal Puthoff, had requested a demonstration of his psychic ability.

Puthoff himself had received funding through Science Unlimited Research out of San Antonio Texas a possible cutout for the CIA, much like the Human Ecology Fund (28) owned by millionaire Frank Church Jr owner of the Church's Chicken Franchise(29). Harold Puthoff is another interesting character amongst an interesting caste of characters bound by a common thread. A Quantum Physicist, who with his research assistant Russell Targ developed the tunable laser and also contributed theories on tachyons (particles that allegedly move faster than light). Even more interesting is the fact that Puthoff was a former employee of the super secret NSA (30).

It was Puthoff, who with the assistance of Swann gave Kress the following demonstration of psychokinetics or PK:

"In April of 1972, Targ met with CIA personnel from the Office of Strategic Intelligence (OSI) and discussed the subject of paranormal abilities. Targ revealed that he had contacts with people who purported to have seen and documented some Soviet investigations of psychokinesis. Films of Soviets moving inanimate objects by "mental powers" were made available to analysts from OSI. They, in turn, contacted personnel from the Office of Research and Development (ORD) and OTS. An ORD Project Officer then visited Targ who had recently joined the Stanford Research Institute (SRI). Targ proposed that some psychokinetic verification investigations could be done at SRI in conjunction with Puthoff. These proposals were quickly followed by a laboratory demonstration.

A man was found by Targ and Puthoff who apparently had psychokinetic abilities. He was taken on a surprise visit to a superconducting shielded magnetometer being used in quark (high energy particle) experiments by Dr. A. Hebbard of Stanford University Physics Department. The quark experiment required that the magnetometer be as well shielded as technology would allow. Nevertheless, when the subject placed his attention on the interior of the magnetometer, the output signal was visibly disturbed, indicating a change in the internal magnetic field. Several other correlations of his mental efforts with signal variations were observed. These variations were never seen before or after the visit. The event was summarized and transmitted to the Agency in the form of a letter to an OSI analyst and as discussions with OTS and ORD officers(31)."

Though the demonstration was impressive. Kress had doubts about turning Swann over to the "Dark Side". As noted in Secret Reflections(32), however there was a third member who was more than willing to be a contracted Company psychic asset.

Pat Price ,The Third Man[edit | edit source]

The late Pat Price is probably considered one of the most naturally talented Remote Viewers. A former Police Commissioner for Burbank California, who had semi retired to Lake Tahoe to raise Christmas Trees and sold them in the bay area, which according to legend is where he met Swann with Puthoff, whom he had met earlier at a lecture(33).

Ingo Swann, was originally targeted with the coordinates to the following site, however according to Jim Schnabel¹s book Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies, Price had called Puthoff on the phone telling him that he too had empathic ability, so Puthoff gave Price the coordinates as well as a test (34).

What occurred is described in Kress' article:

"During the summer of 1973, SRI continued working informally with an OSI officer on a remote viewing experiment which eventually stimulated more CIA-sponsored investigations of parapsychology. The target was a vacation property in the eastern United States. The experiment began with the passing of nothing more than the geographic coordinates of the vacation property to the SRI physicists who, in turn, passed them to the two subjects, one of whom was Pat Price. No maps were permitted, and the subjects were asked to give an immediate response of what they remotely viewed at these coordinates. The subject came back with descriptions which were apparent misses. They both talked about a military-like facility. Nevertheless, a striking correlation of the two independent descriptions was noted. The correlation caused the OSI officer to drive to the site and investigate in more detail. To the surprise of the OSI officer, he soon discovered a sensitive government installation a few miles from the vacation property. This discovery led to a request to have Price provide information concerning the interior workings of this particular site. All the data produced by the two subjects were reviewed in CIA and the Agency concerned.

The evaluation was, as usual, mixed. Pat Price, who had no military or intelligence background, provided a list of project titles associated with current and past activities including one of extreme sensitivity. Also, the codename of the site was provided. Other information concerning the physical layout of the site was accurate. Some information, such as the names of the people at the site, proved incorrect.

These experiments took several months to be analyzed and reviewed within the Agency. Now Mr. Colby was DCI, and the new directors of OTS and ORD were favorably impressed by the data(35)." The codename was Haystack a satellite interrogation facility in Sugar Grove Virginia at the time one of the NSA¹s most secret Sigint complex¹s(36) .

Not only was the OTS suitably impressed but all those involved in this little Remote Viewing exercise were investigated by counterintelligence to find out if any one had leaked this information to them (37)!

Price seemed to have exceptional ability as a Remote Viewer, however he also had a tendency to be more unconventional than Swann, who restricted his out of body voyages to terrestrial and even extraterrestrial targets that could be easily verified as we shall see, while Price had a fascination with the UFO enigma particularly alleged underground bases, as did many of the Military Remote Viewers later on according to Jim Marrs(38).

There seems to be a symbiotic relationship here between Unexplained Aerial Phenomena and remote viewing or psychic phenomena in general. Probably due to the milieu involved, that even a superficial study reveals(39).

Again another contentious battlefield in the battle lines drawn between the "skeptics" and the 'believers", but even more controversial is the area of religion, a virtual no mans land! The Nexus Between Religion and Remote Viewing

It's almost counterintuitive to say that many sciences are derived from mysticism or religion. However,one obvious example is the science of astronomy, as any astrologer knows and any astronomer tries to evade (40). Another is nuclear physics and chemistry derived directly from Alchemy (41).

There are still scientists who still believe that earth is the center of the universe, as far as sentient life is concerned, which is pretty much in accord with the view of the Church prior to Copernicus(42).

Though it may be disputed that Remote Viewing is a scientific technique. There is no dispute that it is based at least in part on religion.

scientology connection[edit | edit source]

My allusion earlier to a common thread is also noted by Steven Aftergood spokesman for the Federation of American Scientists on security and intelligence issues: "The initial research program, called SCANATE [scan by coordinate] was funded by CIA beginning in 1970. Remote viewing research began in 1972 at the Stanford Research Institute [SRI] in Menlo Park, CA. This work was conducted by Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff, once with the NSA and at the time a Scientologist. The effort initially focused on a few "gifted individuals" such as New York artist Ingo Swann, an OT Level VII Scientologist. Many of the SRI "empaths" were from the Church of Scientology(43)."

In fact Ingo Swann considered the father of Coordinate Remote Viewing published a paper Scientological Techniques: A Modern Paradigm for the Exploration of Consciousness and Psychic Integration which he presented to the First Psychotronic Congress in Prague in 1973(44). Techniques developed by the founder of religion of Scientology ,L Ron Hubbard (45). Hubbard himself is an interesting character, a writer of many genres but best known as a science fiction writer, who himself dabbled in the occult acting as scribe for Jack Parsons' Babalon Working (46). Some time after this writing a popular text explaining a cognitive therapeutic procedure he calls Dianetics(47) based in part on Freudian analysis according to a lecture giving a historical background of the subject(48) and what would later be called Scientology(49).

"When Ingo Swann started on the research path in the late 1960s (RIP, by the way, he just passed away Feb. 1. 2013), he had no idea the control he had with the ability to exteriorize and perceive the environment. When asked publicly, twice, in the 1970s whether he felt the Grades and OT levels affected these abilities, he placed them squarely as a result of auditing the Grades, Power Processing and the OT levels." [3]

Coincidentally, although Hubbard does not claim to be a contactee like Van Tassel and Admanski in an interesting lecture giving in 1952 called The Role of Earth, he talks about underground UFO bases. One in particular in the Pyrenees(50). An area where the Price claimed one was as well(51). In The Journal of Scientology Issue 23-G 15 January 1954 Hubbard describes Scientology as "the science of knowing how to know"(52), yet that same year a J Burton Farber of Glendale California incorporates the subject as a religion, causing some consternation of its members according to the Compleat Aberree a satirical magazine published by two Scientologists by the name of Alphia and Agnes Hart Issue 1 Volume 1: "The news was received with mixed emotions. Some were outspokenly antagonistic to the idea. Some who'd nursed the glories of self-determinism since Book One couldn't subscribe to the new idea that the best way to win is to BECOME the enemy(53)."

A controversy that still rages today. However, Scientology is said to address the spirit or in Scientologese the "thetan". In the early 1950¹s most techniques were directed toward exteriorization what parapsychologists refer to as OBE or Out of Body Experiences called astral projection in eastern philosophies(52). The purpose of these techniques is to achieve Operating Thetan which according to The Journal of Scientology Issue 24-G written 31 January 1954 "means that the person does not need a body to communicate or work."(54)

One of particular interest appears in the publication Creation of Human Ability published in 1954 known as the "Grand Tour":

"The commands of the Grand Tour are as follows: 'Be near Earth', 'Be near the Moon', 'Be near the Sun', 'Earth', 'Moon', 'Sun', giving the last three commands many times. Each time the auditor must wait until the preclear signifies that he has completed the command. The preclear is supposed to move near these bodies or simply be near them, it does not matter which(55)." Could this be a possible prelude to Remote Viewing?

Many such exercises or processes later became part of the OT Levels or the Advanced Courses (56), which Puthoff, Swann and Price were all graduates of, at the time. Yet some time after the US Government became involved in remote viewing, these same courses were no longer made available to the general public. Having been replaced by "New" OT levels (57).

The "Grand Tour" Continues

Of course prior to 1979 the idea that Jupiter like her sister Saturn was surrounded by rings, was against conventual scientific "wisdom" at the time, even Pioneer 10 was unable to find evidence of these Jovian rings, which weren't confirmed until Voyager 1's fly by. Yet before that was Swann's own psychic fly by: Swann | Jupiter probe (April 27, 1973)

Experiment 46[edit | edit source]

No big sharp noises for the next 1/2 hour please. 6:03:25 (3 seconds fast) There's a planet with stripes.

6:04:13 I hope it's Jupiter. I think that it must have an extremely large hydrogen mantle. If a space probe made contact with that, it would be maybe 80,000 - 120,000 miles out from the planet surface.

6:06 So I'm approaching it on the tangent where I can see it's a half moon, in other words half lit half dark. If I move around to the lit side it's distinctly yellow toward the right. (Hal - Which direction you had to move?)

6:06:20 Very high in the atmosphere there are crystals, they glitter, maybe the stripes are like bands of crystals, maybe like rings of Saturn, though not far out like that, very close within the atmosphere.

["Note": see sketch of ring in the raw data drawing ahead.] (Unintelligible sentence.) I bet you they'll reflect radio probes. Is that possible if you had a cloud of crystals that were assaulted by different radio waves? (Hal - That's right.)

6:08:00 Now I'll go down through. It feels really good there (laugh). I said that before, didn't I? Inside those cloud layers, those crystal layers, they look beautiful from the outside, from the inside they look like rolling gas clouds - eerie yellow light, rainbows.

6:10:20 I get the impression, thought I don't see, that it's liquid. 6:10:55 Then I came through the cloud cover, the surface it looks like sand dunes. They're made of very large grade crystals so they slide. Tremendous winds sort of like maybe the prevailing winds of earth, but very close to the surface of Jupiter. From that view the horizon looks orangish or rose-colored but overhead it's kind of greenish-yellow.

6:12:35 If I look to the right there is an enormous mountain range.

6:13:18 If I'm giving a description of where I've gone and am, it would be approximately where Alaska is if the sun were directly overhead which it is. The sun looks like it has a green corona, seems smaller to me. (Hal - What color is the sun?) White.

6:14:45 I feel that there's liquid somewhere. Those mountains are very huge but they still don't poke up through the crystal cloud cover. You know I had a dream once something like this where the cloud cover was a great arc, sweeps over the entire heaven. Those grains which make that sand orange are quite large. They have a polished surface and they look something like amber or like obsidian but they're yellowish and not as heavy. The wind blows them, they slide along.

6:16:37 If I turn, the whole thing seems enormously flat. I mean if I get the feeling that if a man stood on those sands I think he would sink into them (laugh); maybe that's where that liquid feeling comes from.

6:18:10 I see something that looks like a tornado. Is there a thermal inversion here? I bet there is. I bet you that the surface of Jupiter will give a very high infrared count (?), reading (?) (Hal - reading) (inaudible sentence). The heat is held down.

6:19:55 I seem to be stuck, not moving. I'll move more towards the equator. I get the impression that that must be a band of crystals similar to the outer ones, kind of bluish. They seem to be sort of in orbit, permanent orbit down through another layer farther down which are like our clouds but moving fast. There's another area: liquid like water. Looks like it's got icebergs in it but they're not icebergs.

6:22:20 Tremendous wind. It's colder here, maybe it's because there's not a thermal inversion there.

6:23:25 I'm back. OK. (Hal - very interesting.) The atmosphere of Jupiter is very thick. I mean ... (Ingo draws) ... Explanation of drawing: This is what appears to be a hydrogen mantle about 100,000 miles off the surface. Those here are bands of crystals, kind of elements. They're pretty close to the surface. And beneath those are layers of clouds or what seem to be prevailing winds. Beneath that is the surface which I saw was, well, it looked like shifting sands made out of some sort of slippery granulated stuff. And off in the distance, I guess, to the East was a very high mountain chain 30,000 feet or so, quite large mountains. I feel these crystals will probably bounce radio waves. They're that type. Generally, that's all.(58)²

According to Jim Marrs many of the Military Remote Reviewers created an "enigma file", much of it dealing with extraterrestrial phenomena. Much of it dealing with what many would consider "science fiction", however as many writers and readers of speculative fiction know(59). Sometimes fiction becomes fact and in many cases fact is stranger than fiction. The same could be said about the following spy thriller.

The Mole[edit | edit source]

Inside Project Scanate was a "mole", not a foreign agent sent by the KGB, though it is possible that the Mossad had a man on the inside by the name of Uri Geller. One who by his own admission was involved in Israeli Intelligence prior to his testing at SRI(59). Another organization was involved in its own Intelligence operation against the US Government. An account accurately summarized by the late investigative journalist Omar Garrison in his book Playing Dirty the Secret War Against Beliefs(60).

What wasn't known then was that Pat Price was part of this covert op run against the CIA and other Government Agencies. Again according to Kress in an addendum to Parapsychology in Intelligence:

"In the late 1970s,several years after the project was terminated, I got a secure line call from a person who identified himself as an FBI agent. He suggested that I should be prepared for a spate of publicity about the remote viewings of Pat Price. Pat had died a few years before and I was surprised that somebody had leaked in-formation about these defunct activities.The FBI agent proceeded to explain that Pat Price was a member of an organization that was recently raided for documents indicative of illegal activity.The organization was vigorously resisting the government investigation but the raid produced hundreds of files and papers that supported the government's allegations. These documents were now in the public domain as part of the discovery process in the legal proceedings.

"One such file included debriefings of Pat Price about his CIA remote viewing projects. The debriefings were a detailed record of the intelligence objectives I had given Pat and results that Pat provided to me. The files revealed the meeting places as well as all the names of those present. My esteem instantly rose for my colleagues who had used first names only with all meetings with Pat! As the file made clear, Pat, who had signed an official secrecy agreement,would immediately go to his superior in the organization after sessions with me and divulge everything. As far as I know, the documents were never read by anybody who publicized them and the organization never used them (61)."

Of course the "organization" in question was the Church of Scientology. No discovery was attempted since those charged with espionage against the US Government pled Nolo Contentre based on a Stipulation of Evidence which delicately side stepped the issue of "Methods and Sources". An issue the US Government was diligently avoiding when the Church had sought legal remedies earlier, against what they claimed were unconstitutional harassment and surveillance(62). As we now know the Church of Scientology was one of many ³subversive² organizations that were being "investigated" by the FBI in a broad program known as COINTELPRO(63). However, it seems in this case the Church fought fire with fire by launching a counterintelligence program of their own(64).

Meanwhile as armed Federal Agents were storming the citadels of the Scientology Organization in Washington and Los Angeles. The US Government's psychic spying program based in part at least on the works of L Ron Hubbard, became Gondola Wish, when it joined the Army(65).

Gill Flame Heats Up[edit | edit source]

Again according to Steven Aftergood of FAS:

"Building on GONDOLA WISH, an operational collection project was formalized under Army intelligence as GRILL FLAME in mid-1978. Located in buildings 2560 and 2561 at Fort Meade, MD, GRILL FLAME, (INSCOM "Detachment G") consisted of soldiers and a few civilians who were believed to possess varying degrees of natural psychic ability. The SRI research program was integrated into GRILL FLAME in early 1979, and hundreds of remote viewing experiments were carried out at SRI through 1986."(66)

Much of this operational data is still highly classified, however in an interview conducted by Tom Snyder on Joe McMoneagle one of the most gifted of INSCOM's remote viewers February 1st, 1996: "Joe: One of the amazing things about remote viewing is the specific targets that they're probably most accurate with, are high energy type targets, or targets that have high energy chain state. And uh, nuclear material has that kind of energy. And historically we've always done very, very well with nuclear targets. So in this age of the attempts for venting the proliferation of nuclear weapons, or the spread of nuclear material, remote viewing could provide a substantial help for that. Tom: You say we've had remarkable success, could you give us an example of something that's come from remote imaging that's turned out to be truly useful information that has helped us in terms of our national security?

Joe: Oh sure, in one case we were targeting a building, that was a very large building in the northern part of the USSR. And, no one knew what was going on inside the building. And targeting that building, I drew out a drawing of a submarine, I described its uh (canad) tubes, how many tubes it had, a large flat area on the rear deck, described it as a large submarine, and it was a new Typhoon Class Submarine. We were able to predict when it was actually going to be rolled out of the building, and in that way they were able to target other collection systems.

Tom: And all this you did doing remote viewing?

Joe: Yes, from Virginia.(67)"

The inherent difficulty with RV or Remote Viewing is that it required objectivity and confirmation, although all the above examples given were amazingly correct. What was termed the "eight martini result" much of the information was incorrect and in many cases just plain wrong, subject to what Swann called AOL, for Analytical Overlay. A situation where the Remote Viewer describes what he thinks he sees.

To remedy this Swann began to develop a step by step method for remote viewing and personally began to train remote viewers. However many in the military began to believe the program was too hot to handle because its results were too unpredictable. Some, fearing professional ostracism from their colleges even when they used the product, would attribute to another source. Thus Grill Flame was terminated, however the program was resurrected by General Stubblebine as Center Lane, going from the frying pan into the fire(68).

Spoon Bender[edit | edit source]

General Albert Stubblebine was a maverick a promoter of the "New Army", very much into New Age philosophies. He had acquired the moniker spoon bender from throwing parties where the revelers would psychically bend silver ware(69).

It would be counterintuitive to suggest that his support wasn't salutary because even though many considered Remote Viewing to be a "pseudo science". It was one of the few psychic abilities that had some semblance of scientific method applied under strict research protocols(70). Stubblebine wanted to incorporate it with other new age methods. One in particular was Robert Munroe's Hemi-Sync method of producing altered states, which was part of his "Gateway Voyage". A program which for the Army became known as RAPT for Rapid Advance Personal Training. Aside from this was that many were tasking remote viewers with predicting the future and being involved in search problems, locating lost personal or in dowsing operations, which occasionally produced startling results, but in most cases burned out remote viewers. Eventually, minor incident that occurred at the Monroe Institute involving an enlisted man who was mentally unstable, gave Stubblebine's more conservative enemies the ammunition they needed to force his retirement.

Now with out Stubblebine's support it looked as if god himself was the only one who could save the program.

Well not quite, though Swann referred to him as the "Super God in the Sky". He was actually the powerful head of the DIA's of Scientific and Technical Intelligence Directorate(71).

Jack Vorona[edit | edit source]

There is probably only two others in the Intelligence Community that welded as much power. One was probably Louis Tordella of Vice Director of the NSA(72) in the late sixties and early seventies and Albert "Bud" Wheelon of the CIA¹s Directorate of Science and Technology(73) in the mid sixties. He saw something in the Remote Viewing program and was quite happy to have it if no one else wanted it, but by then it was on life support and though it still had customers who consumed its product. It was suffering from political interference from various quarters and inner tension. Sun Streak and eventually Star Gate never really got off the ground as operational programs. Many of the original remote viewers had retired Coordinated Remote Viewing was replaced by Channeling and Tarot Card reading. An internal revolt by civilians who wanted to place the program under the control of the CIA.

The problem was that the CIA didn't seem to want it!

However, instead of merely saying thanks but no thanks. The CIA requested an evaluation of the program by the American Institute of Research or AIR(74).

Hot AIR[edit | edit source]

The American Institute of Research's Report on the Remote Viewing seemed good enough for government work. Much like the Cordon report an earlier report requested by the CIA on Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon, which despite the contrary evidence concluded that UFOs did not in fact exist and were in reality merely mental phenomena(75).

Needless to say an interesting conclusion, since it was the US Government itself who first coined the abbreviation which is commonly used in such controversial documents as JANAP 146 and various others compiled and researched by Richard Dolan in his book UFOs and the National Security State Part I (76).

Probably to avoid falling into the same trap of presenting such an obviously biased report. Jessica Utts a statisticion from UC Davis concluded:

"It is clear to this author that anomalous cognition is possible and has been demonstrated. This conclusion is not based on belief, but rather on commonly accepted scientific criteria. The phenomenon has been replicated in a number of forms across laboratories and cultures.(77)² The conclusion and full report is still available at her personal website and the UC Davis¹ as well, was counterbalanced against proclaimed skeptic and member of CSICOP Ray Hyman¹s expected conclusion that "I wouldn't believe it even if it were true".

For instance he says:

"The challenge to parapsychology, if it hopes to convincingly claim the discovery of anomalous cognition, is to go beyond the demonstration of significant effects. The parapsychologists need to achieve the ability to specify conditions under which one can reliably witness their alleged phenomenon. They have to show that they can generate lawful relationships between attributes of this alleged phenomenon and independent variables. They have to be able to specify boundary conditions that will enable us to detect when anomalous cognition is and is not present(78)." which seems to suggest that parapsychologists actually go beyond the scientific method of merely demonstrating the existence of a phenomenon and going to the three other needed steps(79).

In other words not only do extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof but they should be subjected to extraordinary demands as well!

Prior to this he admits his bias by stating:

"Our evaluation will focus on the 10 experiments conducted at SAIC. These are the most recent in the program as well as the only ones for which we have adequate documentation." but lack "adequate documentation" of the earlier experiments doesn't stop him from averring that: "The earlier SRI research on remote viewing suffered from methodological inadequacies." with out delineating what these "inadequacies" were. One could also ask, how would he know there were "inadequacies" if this data were not made available to him because of restricted access?

Therefore one can only conclude that Dr. Hyman conclusions are either a priori and therefore biased or he was able by some psychic means of divination to determine that all earlier methodology at SRI was inadequate, with out actual physical evidence. Finally, he displays the typical dismissive attitude, which has become the trademark of many so called "skeptics" by stating:

"Another reason for concentrating upon this more recent set of experiments is the limited time frame allotted for this evaluation."(75)

That's right "nothing to see here folks, so let's move along".

No wonder the parapsychologists call them "PSI Cops"! Even more telling is the fact that Hyman's report is no longer available on the World Wide Web at its original location and can only be found Joe McMoneagle's website with the following introduction:

"This document, for over two years, was hosted on the University of Oregon web server. In Autumn of 1998 it was no longer available through that source. This paper is part of a group of papers, all related to the same very public and very controversial report. It would be a form of bias to make the other papers available when this one is not. Since this document is no longer available via link from Dr. Hyman's university, we are providing a locally hosted copy for review(80)."

One could ask why it was taken down by Hyman's alma mater? But that would only lead to speculation.

Of course Edwin May* had the documented evidence of AIR¹s own inadequacies when he made his scathing rebuttal summarized in his following conclusions :

"It is impossible for me to prove whether or not the CIA determined the outcome of the investigation before it began. What is obvious, however, is that the evaluation domain of the research and particularly the operations were restricted to preclude positive findings. The CIA did not contact or ignored people who possessed critical knowledge of the program, including some end-users of the intelligence data. Investigators were chosen who either had previously published conclusions or who possessed a serious potential for a conflict of interest. With the exception of the significantly flawed National Research Council's review, all the DOD previous evaluations of the research and intelligence applications were ignored. I am forced to conclude that either the AIR investigators were not competent to conduct a proper review of such a complex program-a view to which I do not subscribe or they knew exactly what they were doing; they wanted to demonstrate a lack of intelligence utility for anomalous cognition. They did so by construction rather than by careful analysis.(81)"

Of course much of what the CIA does can't be proven out right, being a secret and highly secretive Agency(82).

According to former DCI Richard Helms "the first rule of keeping secrets is 'nothing on paper'"(83). If it is mistakenly written down than as The Onion's satirical head line proclaims the CIA Realizes

It's Been Using Black Highlighters All These Years(84).

Of course we are told publicly that the AIR report "proved" that remote viewing had no operational value(85). Much like the Warren Commission Report "proved" that Oswald acted alone(86), which has led many researchers to belief that the program merely went "deeper black". Again speculation or "conspiracy theory", actual documented evidence suggests, that is evidence that hasn't been obliterated by a "highlighter" or a shredder "mistaken" for a photo copy machine, that the CIA has lurked behind the occasional corporate logo or in clandestine jargon "propriety". Making the Agency one of the few USG entities that actually makes money according to ex spook Victor Marchetti who with John Marks coauthored The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence(87). Of course this doesn't prove that the following is a CIA Propriety. It is merely something to consider.

As we look at PSI Tech.

  • Edwin May succeeded Hal Puthoff at SRI in the mid eighties.

Remote Viewing Incorporated[edit | edit source]

PSI Tech opens its doors to the public in 1989, six years before much of the program is declassified and therefore still classified as a Top Secret special access program under Advanced Concepts in the DIA. The reason they give for this breech of security according to their website:

"PSI TECH had its beginnings in the covert world of military intelligence. The company was created in 1989 by a few renegade officers in a top secret military intelligence unit who risked their careers to transfer this classified technology into the private sector. Those individuals knew that when the Defense Intelligence Agency's Remote Viewing Operational Unit lost its funding that this ground breaking technology would be lost forever. PSI TECH was formed to prevent the loss and to secure its subsistence. Several highly placed government individuals chose to look the other way, thus, helping to usher Remote Viewing and PSI TECH into the private sector(88)."

Of course in the murky world of intelligence nothing is what it appears to be. Here we are treated to the mythology that heroic "renegade officers" revealed "sources and methods"(89), considered a cardinal sin tantamount to treason in National Security circles, while "(s)everal highly placed government individuals" benignly "chose to look the other way". Another interesting character makes his appearance, a Captain Ed Dames who left the program after Center Lane, founded PSI Tech after transferring back to INSCOM when the program came under the DIA and hired several military remote viewers still in the unit as subcontractors. Despite such questionable activities Dames is up graded to a Major before retiring(90).

One year later General Albert "Spoon Bender" Stubblebine now Vice president for BDM Corp a defense contractor(87), jumps on Board as the Chairman and the following year they are contracted to remote view Iraq for Bio Weapons by the UN inspection team.

The year after Dames retires from the Army quoting directly from the source Joni Dourif current president of PSI Tech:

"Dale Graff (head of the RV Project DIA) takes PSI TECH issue to DIA high council with intent to shut it down. Council won't touch it with a ten foot pole. (Note: Consider the irony of team members being more valuable to National Security outside the service, than inside.)"(91)

Actually, not ironic at all when you look at the past history of the symbiosis between corporations and intelligence.Shamrock and the current NSA spy scandal involving AT&T should serve as an example (92)

What follows is basically a RV reunion with Ingo Swann acting as a consultant as he did for SRI and Military Intelligence.

By 1994 PSI Tech becomes a going concern with "private" corporate contracts and government projects, which is just one year before the CIA decides to axe Star Gate. After this PSI Tech begins selling courses in Remote Viewing and Instructional videos(93). At this point you feasibly have a fully operational Remote Viewing unit with Remote Viewers who have high security clearances, hiding in plain sight and actually making money! A historical precedence out lined exceptionally well in Joseph Trento's recent book (94).

Epilogue[edit | edit source]

This history is basically a brief outline of Remote Viewing. A history I feel is still feel is being written.

The conclusions I draw are my own.

Does the process work?

Again I let the reader decide.

Robin Adair

references[edit | edit source]

  1. ^ [1]
  2. ^ (1)Parapsychology In Intelligence: A Personal Review and Conclusions Kenneth A. Kress, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), McLean, Volume 13: Number 1: Article 5 Journal of Scientific Exploration
  3. ^ (“Advance!” magazine #21 in 1973 and #53 in 1978 Margaret

Notes[edit | edit source]

(2) The Search for the Manchurian Candidate ,John Marks

(3) Ibid

(4) Ibid

(5) Martin A. Lee & Bruce Shlain Acid Dreams, The Complete Social History of LSD:The CIA, the Sixties, and Beyond

(6) Ibid

(7) Ibid

(8) Ibid

(9)Aldous Huxley: The Ultimate Revolution, Lecture March 20, 1962

(10)PHYSICAL CONTROL OF THE MIND Toward a Psychocivilized Society José M. R. Delgado, M.D. 1969

(11)Hypnosis Comes of Age George H. Estabrooks, Ph.D. Science Digest, April, 1971, 44-50

(12) LSD Lecture available at http://ocw.mit.edu/NR/rdonlyres/Science- Technology--and-Society

(13)Secret Mk Ultra Subproject 136 Memorandum of Record 23 August 1961 Declassified

(14)Parapsychology In Intelligence: A personal Review and Conclusions

JOSE Vol 13 No 1 pp 69-85


(16)Remote Viewing‹The Real Story http://www.biomindsuperpowers.com/Pages/2.html

(17)The American Society for Psychical Research http://www.aspr.com/

(18)Remote Viewing‹The Real Story http://www.biomindsuperpowers.com/Pages/2.html

(19)Ingo Swann and Project Scanate http://www.fiu.edu/~mizrachs/scanate.html

(20)Remote Viewing‹The Real Story http://www.biomindsuperpowers.com/Pages/2.html

(21)The Secret History of the CIA: Books: Joseph J. Trento

(22)The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence: Books: Victor Marchetti,John D. Marks

(23)Mind-Reach: Scientists Look at Psychic Abilities (Studies in Consciousness): Books: Russell Targ,Harold E. Puthoff

(24)Ingo Swann and Project Scanatehttp://www.fiu.edu/~mizrachs/scanate.html


(26)The Stargate Chronicles: Memoirs of a Psychic Spy: Books: Joseph McMoneagle


(28)The Search for the Manchurian Candidate ,John Marks

(29)The Wizards of Langley: Inside the CIA's Directorate of Science and Technology: Books: Jeffrey T. Richelson

(30)CIA-Initiated Remote Viewing Program at Stanford Research Institute H. E. Puthoff, Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin, 4030 Braker Lane W., Ste. 300, Austin, TX 78759 Volume 10: Number 1: Article 3 Journal of Scientific Exploration

(31)Parapsychology In Intelligence: A Personal Review and Conclusions Kenneth A. Kress, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), McLean, VA Volume 13: Number 1: Article 5 Journal of Scientific Exploration

(32)Secret Memo For Record 2 February 1973 Paranormal Phenomena Reflections Further Developments/Reflections/Suggestions Declassified

(33) Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies By Jim Schnabel


(35)Parapsychology In Intelligence: A Personal Review and Conclusions Kenneth A. Kress, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), McLean, VA Volume 13: Number 1: Article 5 Journal of Scientific Exploration

(36)Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency James Bamford

(37)Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies By Jim Schnabel

(38)PSI Spies: Books: Jim Marrs

(39) Alien Agenda: Jim Marrs

(40)Tolerance for Astrology? by Michael C. LoPresto The Astronomy Education Review, Issue 2, Volume 1:125-129, 2003

(41)Occult Chemistry Alchemy Today Chris Illert

(42)Galileo, Science, and the Church Jerome J. Langford

(43)STAR GATE [Controlled Remote Viewing] http://www.fas.org/irp/program/collect/stargate.htm

(44)"Scientological Techniques: A Modern Paradigm for the Exploration of Consciousness and Psychic Integration" in Proceedings of the First International Congress on Psychotronic Research (Virginia: U.S. Joint Publications Research Service, 9/6/74, Document No. JPRS L/5022-1)

(45)The Road to Total Freedom: A Sociological Analysis of Scientology Roy Wallis

(46)Sex and Rockets: The Occult World of Jack Parsons: Books: John Carter

(47)Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health: Books: L. Ron Hubbard

(48)Story of Dianetics and Scientology Lecture by L Ron Hubbard 18 October 1958

(49)Introduction to Scientology: Milestone One Lecture by L Ron Hubbard 3 March 1952

(50)The Role of Earth (incidents from the fourth and fifth invader forces - their brief role on earth as a prison) Lecture by L Ron Hubbard 30 October 1952

(51)Remote Viewing Underground Bases Casandra Frost Soul Travel Magazine http:// www.soultravel.nu/2005/1127-UFO-Bases/index.shtml

(52)The Journal of Scientology Issue 23-G 15 January 1954 Man's Search for His Soul L Ron Hubbard

(53)Compleat Aberree Issue 1 Volume 1 April 1954

(54)The Journal of Scientology Issue 24-G 31 January 1954 SOP-8-C: The Rehabilitation of the Human Spirit

(55)Creation of Human Ability L Ron Hubbard

(56) Scientology 0-8 Book of Basics (any edition published before 1974)

(57)What is Scientology a compilation Based on the Works of L Ron Hubbard

(58)Remote Viewing‹The Real Story http://www.biomindsuperpowers.com/Pages/2.html

(59)PSI Spies: Books: Jim Marrs

(60)Playing Dirty: The Secret War Against Beliefs Omar V. Garrison

(61)Parapsychology In Intelligence: A Personal Review and Conclusions Kenneth A. Kress, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), McLean, VAVolume 13: Number 1: Article 5 Journal of Scientific Exploration

(62)Playing Dirty: The Secret War Against Beliefs Omar V. Garrison

(63)COINTELPRO: THE FBI'S COVERT ACTION PROGRAMS AGAINST AMERICAN CITIZENS Available at http://www.icdc.com/~paulwolf/cointelpro/churchfinalreportIIIa.htm

(64)Playing Dirty: The Secret War Against Beliefs Omar V. Garrison

(65)Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies By Jim Schnabel

(66)STAR GATE [Controlled Remote Viewing] http://www.fas.org/irp/program/collect/stargate.htm

(67)Interview with Joe McMoneagle on the Tom Snyder Show (television USA) Thursday, February 1st, 1996 http://www.firedocs.com/remoteviewing/ transcript_ts02011996jm.cfm

(68)Reading the Enemy's Mind: Inside Star Gate--America's Psychic Espionage Program: Books: Paul Smith


(70)Mind-Reach: Scientists Look at Psychic Abilities (Studies in Consciousness): Books: Russell Targ,Harold E. Puthoff

(71)Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies By Jim Schnabel

(72)Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency James Bamford

(73)The Wizards of Langley: Inside the CIA's Directorate of Science and Technology: Jeffrey T. Richelson

(74)Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies By Jim Schnabel

(75)UFOs and the National Security State Richard M. Dolan.(76)Air Force Regulation 55-88 (CIRVIS) Under JANAP 146: Reporting of Vital Intelligence UFO Encounters http://www.ufoevidence.org/ documents/doc1483.htm

(77)An Assessment of the Evidence for Psychic Functioning Jessica Utts December 1995 Journal of Parapsychology available at http://anson.ucdavis.edu/~utts/

(78)Evaluation of Program on Anomalous Mental Phenomena Ray Hyman available at http:// www.mceagle.com/remote viewing/refs/science/air/hyman.html

(79)APPENDIX E: Introduction to the Scientific Method http://teacher.pas.rochester.edu/phy_labs/ AppendixE/AppendixE.html#Heading2

(80)Evaluation of Program on Anomalous Mental Phenomena Ray Hyman available at http:// www.mceagle.com/remote viewing/refs/science/air/hyman.html

(81)The American Institutes for Research Review of the Department of Defense's STAR GATE Program: A Commentary by Edwin C. May, Ph.D. Cognitive Sciences Laboratory Palo Alto, California (The Journal of Parapsychology. 60. 3-23. March 1996)

(82)The Invisible Government: Books: David Wise,Thomas B. Ross by David Wise,Thomas B. Ross

(83)UFOs and the National Security State Richard M. Dolan.

(84)CIA Realizes It's Been Using Black Highlighters All These Years http://www.theonion.com/ content/node/43014

(85) See Hyman's withdrawl of his report to AIR cited earlier

(86)Deep Politics And The Death of JFK Peter Dale Scott by Peter Dale Scott

(87)The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence: Books: Victor Marchetti,John D. Marks Also see Joseph Trento's recent book Prelude to Terror regarding the "private CIA"

(88)PSI Tech's Website http://lite.psitech.net/about.htm

(89)National Security Council Intelligence Directive No. 11 Washington, January 6, 1950. SECURITY OF INFORMATION ON INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS full text available at http://www.fas.org/irp/ offdocs/nscid11.htm

(90)Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies By Jim Schnabel

(91)The Encyclopedia of Espionage by Norman Polmar and Thomas B. Allen see particularly the term Sheep Dipping

(92)The Puzzle Palace: Inside America's Most Secret Intelligence Organization James Bamford see also his recent suit against the NSA http://www.aclu.org/safefree/nsaspying/ 23478res20060116.html

(93)See http://www.remoteviewing.com/video-and-multimedia/introduction to-remote-viewing.html

(94)Prelude to Terror: Edwin P. Wilson and the Legacy of America's Private Intelligence Network Joseph J. Trento

referenes[edit | edit source]

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