Excalibur Revisited
Excalibur Revisited | |
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Author | Geoffrey C. Filbert |
Type of Article | Category:Books about Scientology |
NOTE: This article discusses an offshoot. Offshoots are considered something OTHER than Scientology, as they were not developed by L. Ron Hubbard, and they have never been practiced in any Scientology Church.
This 800 page book, containing much of Scientology and commands for the majority of Scientology processes of the time including confidential levels, could be described as revolutionary for its time. It was released in 1982, at the very beginning of the large breakout from the rule of the Church of Scientology, and before Internet came into wide use.
Excalibur Revisited Reviewed by Peter Schön[edit | edit source]
- [This article was written in 1987 and published in IVy 6, page 24, May 1992[[1]] ]
There are many approaches to Scientology, many attitudes to Scientology. What one learns about Scientology will be heavily influenced by the approach and attitude he takes towards Scientology. In various places and times, Scientology is considered a business, a con game, a system of therapy, a brainwashing technique, a religion, a philosophical subject. In the middle class world of today, ...
- [Three paragraphs of preamble omitted – find them at http://articles.ivymag.org/pdf/ivy06.pdf page 24]
There is a book which is not included in the official material of Scientology in the Church, but on the other hand not challenged by the Church of Scientology in the courts. This book is difficult, but not impossible to find, and it is not forbidden to Free Zone Scientologists. It is slightly over 800 pages long in typescript form on A4 paper. This book purports to contain the whole of the essential knowledge of Scientology and the minimum information necessary to deliver the complete Dianetics and Scientology bridge. The entirety of the Scientology literature is listed as strongly recommended reading, the author recommends the Tech Dictionary while at the same time taking no chances and providing his own list of terms and definitions for the reader, and for the reader to use with his preclear, should the reader actually take up auditing. There are subtle differences in some of these definitions but most are the same. The book is not opposed to source material. It is also aligned and organised around the bridge.
The title of the book is Excalibur Revisited and to all who know the definition and usage of the term “Excalibur” in Scientology, this will reveal an accurate concept of the book’s technical aspect and general direction. The full title adds The Akashic Book of Truth; for those who are aware of the Akashic record, this reveals the overall concept of the book. For those who are not aware of the Akashic record, it is explained in the book.
As the title divides neatly into two parts, so does the book. Excalibur is defined in the Tech Dictionary as an “unpublished book written in the 30’s ... most of which has been released in HCOBs, PLs and books.” Half of the 800 pages of Excalibur Revisited are devoted to Dianetics and Scientology technology, which is described briefly, simply and functionally, with only subtle differences, very minor on the verbal level but potentially major on an applied level. The one Scientology concept that is explained at length is the Service Facsimile. This beast is given a thirty page section of its own in the book; the author regards it as the make-break point of a case: that case which is on the upper levels but is still using a service facsimile will run the upper levels making himself right and others wrong.
The data given are much more specific than one finds in the church material. The author states the concepts of the core Service Fac, tells what differentiates it from other Service Facs, and describes what to look for so as to know when you have found it. This section on the Service Fac, with its differences from the Church tech, is the longest but otherwise typical for all of the tech in the book. For some the book will answer questions and set stable data: when to resort to a correction list, when to have the pc study and when to put him into the auditing chair, when to handle what he is complaining about versus when to put him on the next level, when to do Expanded Dianetics and on whom, where to start on the different types of people that come to you and how to recognise the types.
The author felt compelled to include all material necessary to deliver a complete bridge, yet only half of the book is technical. The other half — necessary, the author states — is certainly a prod to the sleeping mind. Scientology existed 25,000 years ago and was brilliantly recalled, but not invented, by Hubbard. Absolutes are obtainable in a being’s own universe and are the only thing he is really interested in, besides. The difference between a static and a thetan is discussed more thoroughly than I have seen anywhere else. Comparisons to other religions and cultures are given: Lamaism, Northern and Southern Buddhism, The Markabian versus the Galactic Confederation, Atlantis, Lemuria, mainstream culture in the Western world today, with its miseducation and manipulation. It is when one begins to wonder why these far-flung items are thought to be part of “the absolute minimum information necessary” to deliver a complete bridge, that the book begins to reveal its secrets.
Geoffrey Filbert has been auditor for over three decades. He left the Church in 1974, delivering the entire bridge in the field since that time at the price set by himself. Declares attempted where never issued. He is currently living in Southern California where he carries on a thriving auditing practice.
- Editorial Note: This book has not been printed and we understand that Geoffrey Filbert has no intention of printing. Therefore one can get it through an acquaintance who has a copy — possibly making your own copy.
- Alternatively, contact the following, who are are making photocopies, in four volumes with a rudimentary index added, for about $70 plus postage. Get a firm price from them and pay in US$ (buy a check from a bank if you are not in USA). [Name and address omitted as obsolete.]
Reviewed by Frank Gordon, USA[edit | edit source]
- Part of a two book review taken from International Viewpoints (IVy) 11 April 93
In Excalibur Revisited, Filbert has some interesting observations. He notes that an affinity for aberration can be an obstacle to improvement. He doesn’t expand on this, but it might be processed directly. For example, 2wc on aberrations the pc feels an affinity for (like any automatic and sticky sympathy) or a discussion of popular aberrations.
He also discusses the importance of first (before using a prepared list) getting off what the pc does know about something; and that long comm cycles leaves less by-passed charge than short ones.
In the Final Deceit: Persistences (p.551 in the manuscript I have), Filbert has a section on training the pc before any auditing to tell the difference between truth and lies (the “acid test”). Truth will as-is when you look at it and must be recreated, whereas lies will persist. This kind of prior training could account for much of his success.
Both L. Kin and G. Filbert have performed a real service by organizing and evaluating this material. And additional comments and critiques help as well.
Danish Experience, by Antony A Phillips[edit | edit source]
I was introduced to Excalibur Revisited by Maiken Borre. Maiken and her husband had been to the USA a number of times and had visited and received auditing from the author, Geoffrey Filbert. Maiken told me that he had issued a limited number of copies (I think either 12 or 18) at a high price, extracting the promise that the buyer would not make copies. While most kept that promise one buyer didn't, which enabled me to copy and sell the book. This was long before Internet and scanning in of material. Copying expenses were high in Denmark and I got a friend, Amandio Dias (who is now dead) to copy the book in Portugal and post it to the buyer, thus reducing the cost. I believe about 50 copies were sold that way but the records are gone with the computer operative system Microsoft DOS!
As 800 pages was rather bulky I decided to split into two and chose as a place to divide where Filbert begins talking about the OT levels (confidential) and gives the commands. At that time in the independent movement, nearly all the participants having only recently left the Church of Scientology (involuntarily or voluntarily), there was a strong fear, amounting almost to a phobia, with regard particularly to OT III.
After he had made a number of copies Amandio refused to copy more. The reason for this was that Filbert in the book made quite a number of derogatory remarks about Ron Hubbard and Amandio refused to further pass on such what he regarded as entheta. One reason why I found the book difficult to read was these remarks about Ron Hubbard which were invalidatory and at that time, although I had been thrown out of the Church of Scientology, I had a very high regard of Ron and was intolerant of criticism (you could say, using Scientologese, that I had a button – I got restimulated by derogatory remarks about Ron!).
When Amandio stopped copying and selling the book Maiken found me someone on the east coast of the USA who was willing to copy and sell it. The person started this but soon received a letter from Geoffrey Filbert telling her to stop doing it. I made no further attempt as by this time the Internet had come and copies were available on the Internet.
One of the things that impressed me about Excalibur Revisited was the auditing commands he gave for the grades. A year or so before I got thrown out of the Church of Scientology I had taken two levels of the SHSBC (St. Hill Special Briefing Course) which concern themselves with grades and the commands. The grades were originally one flow and presumably the commands were written by Ron Hubbard. Hubbard then later introduced three flow and four flow grades, but he did not himself state how the extra grade commands were to be given. They were issued as Board Technical Bulletins, not HCOBs. I surmise that they were written under time pressure by a small committee and I consider the wording of some of them was poor. The Excalibur Revisited version was much better.
I sent a 10% royalty to Geoffrey Filbert on each book sold. I sent him two checks, the first he replied to with a rather rude letter, the second time he ignored.
As the Internet and emails came into use we were expecting Geoffrey Filbert to get an email address. This did not happen immediately but after a while an email address appeared with his name and his wife answered a few mails but then there was no response.
I was editor of the magazine IVy during those years and was in touch with Maiken Borre and she introduced me to Peter Schön (a pseudonym; the person in question was illegally in Denmark at the time because of visa expiration).
Possible links to Excalibur Revisited:[edit | edit source]
These two links are a good way to read the book on a computer screen as on the left there is a detailed list of the various sections which you can click on and thus read the part you're interested in.
At http://clarity.bodymindhealing.info/downloads/excalrev.pdf you find a fully downloadable version which you can use your computer's control F to search for words that interest you, and print them out if you like.