Semantic Library Project

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This is the Library project page. It is for the development of Scientolipedia's semantic categorization of Scientology materials.

20101031 SemanticMediaWiki Logo.png

For an overview and user manual of the technology used go HERE

Please feel free to join the discussion and help create the best repository for LRH and Scientology materials available anywhere!

overview[edit | edit source]

We need to create the various elements that go into building a repository for the data.

e.g. what fields need to be displayed to the user? Name, date, type of issue (HCOB, HCOPL, checksheet, book etc)

Once the various elements have been identified then the software can be programmed to accept input of data, content can be added and the means of presenting the data developed. i.e. links, lists, downloads, pictures...that type of thing.

So the questions we are trying to answer are what do we want to capture and how do we present the information?

The Semantic Wiki has amazing capabilities to capture and display data. Our task is to learn how to do it the way we would like to.

Here is an example of how we want to be able to display the data we collect

what?[edit | edit source]

We need to decide what we are going to archive semantically first. Pictures? check sheets? technical bulletins? PL's? Taped lectures? PAB's? etc.

Picking a simple or relatively small segment of the immense material would seem to be the best choice to get started with no?

References to digitize and code.

  • HCOB's
  • HCOPL's
  • Pictures
  • Checksheet's
  • Taped Lectures
  • PAB's
  • Book's
  • Booklets
  • Charts
  • Dianetic Auditor's bulletins
  • Magazines
  • Base Flag Orders
  • Base Orders
  • BPL's
  • BTB's
  • Central Bureau Orders
  • Flag ED's
  • Flag Bureau Data Letters
  • Flag Orders
  • Flag Ship Orders
  • LRH ED's
  • Sea Org ED's

properties[edit | edit source]

Semantic Properties are the building blocks of the data structure of this project. SCIENTOLiPEDIA properties that pertain to this project include, but are not limited to the following items;

  • Author - (i.e. LRH)
  • Date - (i.e. 28 Apr 76)
  • Description - (i.e. HCOB, HCOPL, etc.)
  • Image - (i.e. Yvonne Gillham Jentzsch)
  • Location - (i.e. A Celebrity Centre magazine)
  • Name - (i.e. Advance Magazine)
  • Title - (i.e. FEBC Hatting Drills)
  • Topic - (i.e. Drills designed by LRH to handle the inability to overcome confusion and Q and A while hatting a junior)

template[edit | edit source]

form[edit | edit source]
