Ant's response to the award
Thanks for posting this, Dave. Something has just happened relevant to the group effort creating an Encyclopedia of Scientology. See: .
I have just added the paragraphs headed "Hart goes Boom". It is something I remember from getting the magazine, presumably in 1955. However, I have lost all my Abilities (I mean the magazine :-) ). I did have a pdf file of them based on pictures (images) and thus could not be searched. I complained about this to a nameless, featureless email friend. And he made for me a database of pdf files with most of the Abilites which are searchable. I searched for "boom" and got to this (for the edification of future generations - of reseachers :-) ).
My point is this. Scientolipedia (and in fact Scientology itself) is the result of group work. Some are annonymous. Some like me and Dave are willing to have their names published. So if you want to contribute do not let shyness or fear (or any other emotion or reason) stop you. Find a "front man" who you can trust. And if you want searchable files of early Scn mags, let me know and I will put them in my dropbox so you can roam around in them. Email to:
All the best,