Rons Org Committee
Rons Org Committee | |
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Ron's Org Committe | |
Description | |
Contact | Max Hauri |
Country | CH |
International | Yes |
Website | |
Social Media | | | |
Phone | +41 31 964 06 66 |
§ 1 NAME[edit | edit source]
The association has the name "Ron's Org Committee". It is an association as per Art. 60-79 ZGB and has its seat in Koeniz.
§ 2 GOALS OF THE ASSOCIATION[edit | edit source]
The association is a union of representatives of the world-wide network of Ron's Orgs. (...)
The goal of the association is to assist the expansion of Scientology and the clearing of the planet.
The purposes of the ROC are:
- a) Making sure that Standard Tech as per LRH and CBR is available for everybody and will continue to be available in the future and is applied throughout the world
- b) Representing the RO network to the outside
- c) Setting the standards of what a RO is so that the name "Ron's Org" becomes recognized as a symbol of Standard Tech as per LRH and CBR
- d) Checking the prerequisites and authorizing delivery units to bear the name "Ron's Org"
- e) Revoking the status of a RO where a delivery unit doesn't meet the prerequisites any longer
- f) Establishing a "Qualification Board" that will be a body that has the most senior qualification function for ROs WW
- g) Supporting ROs in delivery and dissemination
- h) Giving the ROs a forum to exchange info and comm.
The association does not pursue commercial purposes and does not strive for profit.
It is not identical with the Church of Scientology or any of its branch organisations, neither does it co-operate with this and explicitly delimitates itself from them.
§ 3 DEFINITION OF A RON'S ORG[edit | edit source]
- a) The definition of the prerequisites a delivery unit has to fulfill to become and remain a Ron's Org, as well as the definition of a RO Field Auditor, are part of these statutes and are given in an appendix. Any organisation of auditors, case supervisors, course supervisors and the pertinent admin staff, or individual auditors and case supervisors can, if the fulfil these definitions, apply to be recognized as a Ron's Org or a Ron's Org Field Auditor respectively.
- b) The association does not interfere with the administrative matters (personnel, dissemination, distribution, finance and pricing) of a Ron's Org.
§ 4 MEMBERSHIP[edit | edit source]
Every RO staff member and every RO field auditor can apply for ROC membership.
Persons who do special projects for the ROs can also be granted membership status by the ROC.
Honorary membership can be assigned by the General Assembly for persons having made outstanding contributions to the purposes of the ROC.
Additionally each member has to fulfill the following prerequisites:
- - in agreement with standard tech as per LRH and CBR
- - C/S okay, which includes: not currently PTS, pursuing his own bridge actively on RO lines
- - supporting the purposes of ROC
- - introduced by another member of the ROC
The admission of a new member is decided upon by the General Assembly after checking the prerequisites.
A member can be temporarily or fully excluded by the ROC when he no longer fulfills all of the above prerequisites.
Each member can participate in the General Assemblies. If it comes to voting on decisions, all members which belong to one RO have together one vote and can only exercise their right to vote in accordance with each other. The right to vote for each group of members belonging to one RO is exercised by the leader (Commanding Officer) of this Ron's Org, in his absence by another staff member of this Ron's Org. ROs that have more than 10, 20, 30 etc. full time staff members have 1, 2, 3 etc. additional votes.
§ 6 CHAIRMAN[edit | edit source]
The Chairman presides at the General Assemblies and makes invitations to attend them through the secretary. He executes decisions of the ROC. He is the convening authority on ethics matters. He has the decisive vote in case of a drawn vote. The Chairman represents the ROC externally as long as no specific post (PRO) is established by the General Assembly.
The Chairman is elected by the General Assembly for a period of 3 years. He can be voted out before that period terminates, but only by a majority of two thirds of the present voting members on a General Assembly where the motion to vote him out was announced in the invitation.
§ 7 SECRETARY[edit | edit source]
The secretary keeps notes during the meetings and sends them out to all members. He helps the Chairman to get out the invitation and keeps an up-to-date address list of all members. He keeps an archive with all old notes and relevant documents so the time-track of the ROC can easily be accessed when necessary.
The Secretary is elected by the General Assembly. The same rules apply as given in § 4 for the election and voting out of the Chairman
§ 8 GENERAL ASSEMBLIES[edit | edit source]
- a) General Assemblies should be held at least once a year. They are presided over by the Chairman. Notes are kept and sent out to the members.
- b) Decisions: To have a quorum, the General Assembly must have been convened properly (invitations in time, i.e. at least 3 weeks in advance, to all members) and at least half of the ROs that have members in the ROC must be either represented by a present member of their org or by authorizing another present member to act on their behalf.
- Basically the General Assembly should try to come to agreements regarding necessary decisions. When necessary, the Assembly makes decisions by voting by a simple majority. For decisions which change the statutes of the ROC, the vote must be supported by two thirds of the present ROs entitled to vote (taking into account authorized representatives) and at least the majority of votes of all members entitled to vote. The same rules apply for a decision to resolve the association, to merge it with another corporation or to subordinate it to another corporation.
- c) Following parts of the statutes cannot be changed: In § 2 the goal and the purposes a), c), d) and e), the points a), b), c) and
- f) of the definition of a Ron's Org, as well as this rule (§ 8 c).
- d) Agenda: The proposed agenda is sent out by the secretary three weeks before the meeting. Points which a member wants to discuss should be prepared by a CSW which is sent in time so the secretary can distribute it to the members one week before the meeting. At the beginning of each meeting the Chairman reads out the agenda and adds points which members would like to include. In case of a time-consuming matter that was not prepared by a CSW the assembly can refuse to put this on the agenda. Changes of basic rules must be CSW'ed before the meeting according to the aforementioned.
§ 9 SUBCOMMITTEES[edit | edit source]
- a) The ROC can establish subcommittees for specific tasks and empower them for actions or decisions connected with this task. There are three permanent subcommittees. A permanent subcommittee can establish its own rules for procedures and decision making as long as they are in agreement with its purpose and the general statutes. If not otherwise provided (by the statutes as in [d] below or by a decision of the General Assembly) the members of subcommittees are elected by the General Assembly for three years. The same rules as for Chairman and Secretary apply.
- b) The Board of Approval is a permanent subcommittee for checking the prerequisites set by the statutes of the ROC on delivery units applying to become a RO; it can grant the delivery unit the status without referring to the General Assembly. This subcommittee can also notify a RO where it no longer fulfills the prerequisites and demand that it handle the matter. When in due time no action is taken to fulfill the demand, the subcommittee informs the Chairman who has the power to revoke the RO status of a delivery unit and thus exclude them and their staff members from the ROC. The RO in question can petition to the full assembly. In any case the Chairman informs the full assembly when a delivery unit has had its RO status revoked. Everything stated in this section § 9 b) on ROs is applicable analogously for RO field auditors.
- c) The second permanent subcommittee is the Review Board. Its purpose is to check on the standardness of technical application of the ROs. It can send out missions to orgs which can investigate in the course room or folders to establish the level of standardness; in case of found outnesses the missions can propose corrective actions to the responsible staff members. Missions are sent out mainly on reports or requests of staffs or public, but the Review Board can originate such missions all by itself to ensure a high technical standard of all ROs. The Review Board consists of highly trained tech terminals.
- d) The third permanent subcommittee is the Qual Board. It consists out of all SSC/S ULR trained persons of the RO network. Its purpose is to exchange information on technical matters, establish what is considered as standard or not standard on doubtful points, and the members can bring up troubles or observations from their delivery to share experience and get counsel from peers.
§ 10 ETHICS[edit | edit source]
Ethics technology of L.Ron Hubbard is applied, with caution regarding issues that were published after 1975. The ROC originates ethics cycles only in matters which cannot be solved otherwise. The ROC does not get involved in internal matters or disputes between members or ROs, except when the parties involved ask for such help. In this case the Chairman appoints one or several members as B of I, Comm Ev or whatever is suitable as per ethics technology.
§ 11 FINANCES[edit | edit source]
The association is financed by donations. Apart from that, the General Assembly can decide that members or ROs pay certain fees to support the work of the ROC and its subcommittees. Such decision would be regarded as change of statutes as per § 8b) so that a qualified vote is necessary. As long as no such decision has been taken there is no obligation to fees and no personal liability of members for obligations of the association. Apart from that the liability of the members is limited to the amount of one yearly fee.
The organs and acting personnel of the association work as volunteers and in principle can only claim reimbursement for their effective expenses and outlays.
§ 12 LOCAL RON'S ORG COMMITTEES[edit | edit source]
- a) Regional or local ROCs can be formed so the association can delegate functions regarding those local areas.
- b) A regional or local group of at least five ROs can apply to form a local ROC by handing in their proposed statutes. The General Assembly of the ROC, which in this case is considered as ROC WW, decides upon this. The local ROC should have statutes which contain the goals and purposes given herein and should perform the functions of the ROC WW as given here within their local group of ROs. The unchangeable parts of these statutes named in § 6 c) must as well be unchangeable parts of the local ROC's statutes. Each local ROC must be defined by its geographical region, which may not conflict with an area of another local ROC. The local ROC can be given the right to grant and revoke RO status to delivery units in its local area. It can have a local Review Board; however, the Review Board WW may check into orgs of that area if it pleases.
- c) The local ROC should be represented at the General Assembly of ROC WW by at least one representative. This representative has three votes. Beyond that the ROs of the local ROC have no right to vote in the ROC WW. The local ROC and the ROC WW keep a close comm line, sending each other the notes of the General Assemblies, etc.
- d) The local ROC can form junior local ROCs in its area by the same procedure. Every local ROC is responsible to keep up the technical standard in its area.
- e) A local ROC can have its rights and status revoked only by the General Assembly of ROC WW. This can be done only when the local ROC is not acting according to the standards set in these statutes, particularly acting contrary to the purposes or condoning deviations of Standard Tech in its area of responsibility.
§ 13 STANDING ORDER NO. 1[edit | edit source]
On matters regarding ROs and RO Field auditors and their application of tech, everyone can write to the ROC.
These statutes are in force from their approval by the founding assembly on.
APPENDIX: DEFINITION OF A RON'S ORG:[edit | edit source]
As "Ron's Org" is the abbreviation of "Ron's Organization and Network for Standard Technology", the following prerequisites are given for any delivery unit to become and remain a Ron's Org:
- a) A Ron's Org needs a fully trained C/S according to the level it is delivering.
- b) The C/S, when not properly trained by Academy training and up to SSC/S ULR courses, is taking senior C/Sing and correction from a RO C/S and pursues his training with his senior C/S or by taking part in training camps . A senior C/S must have been standardly trained in the Ron's Org.
- c) Regarding Auditing, C/Sing and Training in the Div 4 course room, a Ron's org delivers Standard Tech, using exclusively original materials of LRH and, where it applies, CBR. A RO runs a standard course room according to study tech.
- d) A Ron's Org is in cooperation with the RO-network in technical matters.
- 1) treating other ROs and RO Field Auditors with respect
- 2) exchanging results and experience as needed
- 3) consulting his/her senior C/S or other competent RO terminals when technical questions arise
- 4) supporting other ROs regarding translations and translated materials as well as original materials
- e) The C/S of an org (meaning the highest posted Tech Terminal within the org) and CO have to become ROC members.
- f) The status of a Ron's Org must have been approved by ROC WW or a local ROC that was empowered by the ROC WW, and that status may not have been revoked by the same authority.
- g) If the org applying for the title "Ron's Org" has not been fulfilling all prerequisites for at least one year, it temporarily gets the title of "forming RO". After one year of operation it can apply for the title of "RO".
- a) A RO Field Auditor, when not properly trained by Academy training and up to SSC/S ULR courses, is taking senior C/Sing and correction from a RO C/S and pursues his training with his senior C/S or by taking part in training camps. A RO FA must have been standardly trained in the Ron's Org.
- b) A RO FA delivers standard tech, exclusively using original materials of LRH and, where it applies, CBR.
- c) A Ron's Org FA is in cooperation with the RO-network in technical matters:
- 1. treating other ROs and RO FAs with respect
- 2. exchanging results and experience as needed
- 3. consulting other competent RO terminals or the C/S meeting when technical questions arise.