OT II Theory Success Story

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Success Story
Auditor Randy Smith
Auditing Success OT 2
Training Success Solo Course
Website http://latrainer.wordpress.com
Email randy.investor@gmail.com

In the Indie field, it’s tricky to find well trained and competent course supes at the OT level. I am VERY fortunate to have been referred to Randy Smith for OT II training. I did my Solo I and II with him, just wrapped up OT II theory, and am now running along very smoothly and confidently in OT II, thanks to Randy’s great course supervision.

I couldn’t take a week off from work to go to Randy’s area to train, so Randy offered to come to my town to do the training over a three-day weekend (plus two days). We worked diligently, and by Day 4, I had begun my auditing. I feel rather spoiled to have had my own personal course super!

Randy always referred me to the correct bulletins if I needed an answer to a tricky question. He knows precisely what to look for, for that question. And no verbal data here! He made sure I really knew my terminology, too.

By the time I began auditing, I felt quite confident that I knew precisely what I was doing, and have been winning at OT II from Day 1, Session 1.

I KNOW what the game is, what to look for, the mechanisms in play, and how to audit this level correctly in the first place, thanks to Randy. The way to audit it right is there, all in the bulletins. I realized that there is no reason to have to excessively resort to correction lists or other remedies, either, if I do it right in the first place.

So I am very glad to have done this course with Randy Smith! And of course, I have so much admiration for LRH for having pioneered these levels in the first place! “How’d he DO that?”

Sincerely, --Anonymous