Carrie's Solo One Course Success

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Success Story
Auditor Advanced Organization of the Great Plains
Name Carrie
Training Success Solo Course
Website Organizati

Solo One Course - Success Story

For some reason, I’m always a little surprised when I finish a course or an auditing action. This is a little funny because I almost always see/feel it coming ahead of time. With Solo 1, the road has seemed very long. I’ve had my sights set on it for years. As I attest, I find that I feel relieved – optimistic, of course—but mostly relieved…. like I just completed the first, difficult event in a decathlon.

I learned a lot through this course and had many cognitions about my life and life in general. It seemed like each book or HCOB I read was immediately applicable to what was going on in my life. Although I learned a LOT and had these cognitions throughout, the thing I was most excited about was using the meter on myself. I’d done the meter course, of course, but this was quite different. It was fantastic having a thought or cognition and seeing it reflected on the meter. It was a HUGE validation of the tech, the meter, and my ability to use both.

I am extremely grateful to Jonathan for being such a patient and conscientious supervisor and auditor. I am also grateful to John and Candy Williams, as well as Ray and Pat Krenik for providing courseroom spaces. I am optimistic about the future and eager to get on with my OT levels. I feel that I am ready.
