Talk:World's Best Auditor

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Blog area -- D LaCroix 12:44, 12 January 2012 (MST)

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
test6414118:04, June 5, 2014
another test013:22, May 23, 2012
Testing Glossary in Talk namespace123:23, May 22, 2012

This is a test of new log in rules and ability to edit pages.

Test641418:03, June 5, 2014

works like a charm

Test641418:04, June 5, 2014

another test

just changed localsettings to add the exclusion of Semantic Glossary to list where namespace "Thread is auditor and Scientology should not be inserted here???

Dl8800813:22, May 23, 2012

Testing Glossary in Talk namespace

The word auditor or Scientology is not supposed to interfere with the message due to the Glossary. this is a test of that.

Dl8800823:21, May 22, 2012

OK, it's not supposed to do that when a glossary term like auditor or Scientology is used????

Dl8800823:23, May 22, 2012