Lisa McPherson

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Lisa McPherson
Birthdate 02/10
Birthday February 10, 1959
Deceased Yes
Died on December 5, 1995
info Died at Flag Service Organization
Nationality American
Org. Affiliation(s) Flag Service Organization
Case Level Clear

Lisa McPherson (February 10, 1959 – December 5, 1995) was a member of the Church of Scientology who died of a pulmonary embolism while under the care of the Church of Scientology Flag Service Organization, Inc. Following the report of the state of Florida's medical examiner that indicated that Lisa was a victim of negligent homicide, the Church of Scientology was indicted on two felony charges, "abuse and/or neglect of a disabled adult" and "practicing medicine without a license." The charges against the Church of Scientology were dropped after the state's medical examiner changed the cause of death from "undetermined" to an "accident" on June 13, 2000. A civil suit brought by her family against the Church was settled on May 28, 2004.[1]