FreeZoners and Indies--Differences and Similarities
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Free Zone and Indies—Differences and Similarities
1) Similarities: Freezoners and Indies are both splinter groups from the COS. Difference: There is a time difference in that most Freezoners split from the COS in the early 1980s. Most of the Indies arrived from about 1990 to 2012.
2) Simiarlities: Both Freezoners and Indies arrived at a conclusion that Scientology as delivered in the COS is found seriously lacking.
Both Freezoners and Indies have a terminal in common regarding this: David Miscavige.
3) Differences: Most freezoners have a distrust of the later tech that arrived after LRH’s death. It is often considered squirrel.
Most Indies consider that Freezoners are squirrel who never learned or failed to apply tech. Or is that a similarity?
4) Similarity: Both Freezoners and Indies consider that the prices charged by the COS are outrageous.
Both Freezoners and Indies feel that the prices charged for EMeters in the COS are overinflated. Most Freezoners feel that that is representative proof that the COS is not trying to clear anyone. I don’t know what Indies think about this point or if they ever thought about that point.
5) Freezoners were trained in a different time period than most Indies. The application of the tech was different. Freezoners experienced a faster flow through courses and training. Indies were subject to long runs on the tech before passes were given. Similarities: For the most part both Freezoners and Indies were trained on the same basic materials.
6) Freezoners often do not have access to later confidential data, such as the “patter” of “advanced NOTs”. Indies often consider that those who didn’t have such patter are somehow less effective in applying the NOTs materials. Similarities: Both seem to run NOTs just fine with the tools they have.
7) Freezoners include people who use “other tech” such as LRH early materials and book approaches. Some audit without a written c/s, simply handling the person in front of them.
Indies do not want to include any other betterment practice, even such as the above, and some have no tolerance for the RONS orgs in Europe/Russia even though the RONS Orgs do the Standard LRH Bridge through OT III. (Their NOTs approach is different in regard to c/sing)