The OT Committee/january 2018

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Thank you for attending this meeting. Here are the notes that were taken: OTC Meeting January 2018

Sunday, January 28, 2018 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Eastern Time

Public Meeting Notes:

Notes for the meeting on 28 January 2018

Organization and focus of OT Committee. Why do we meet? What is our reason?

Antony's Presentation -

"Never regret yesterday, life is in you today, and you make your tomorrow." (LRH Code of Honour)

This applies to the Independent field and Scientolipedia.

History repeats itself if it is not made known and understood.

Jack Horner page researched and written by Antony. Jack was there in the early days of Scientology.

Someone added to the page. Discussion about what should be done was on the page.

More people being involved can add to the discussion and the creation of content.

Note added to the meeting notes by Antony Phillips

The following are links to Scientolipedia sandboxes. They are items which need finishing and posting publicly. An up-to-date summary of them appears at the following link:

I have posted an initial guided tour to Scientolipedia. I would appreciate comments and suggestions, particularly suggestions as to what short subject I should next cover in this manner. You can also make comments on the discussion area of the page. The link to the page is:

In February 2015 I started a page in Scientolipedia which I called: Books – Scientology – excluding LRH books the link to it is:

I have added quite a number of books since then but there are about 30 more in my flat which still need to be put up there. If you have any books that are missing from the list there, please put them in yourself. It means putting a little note on that page with a link to a slightly fuller page just describing that book and its background (with some pictures if possible).

The non-LRH books touching on Scientology at different times give an insight into what was happening at that time.

Copy of the PDF file which I used for this talk/pod cast:

End of: Notes from Antony Phillips – 28th January 2018

Dave shows how the website editing is very easy after you log in.

Past meeting data is easy to find and reference.

Listing auditors is very important.

David created a page and then showed how you could click on it and edit it. Showed where "Recent Changes" linked to what was going on in Scientolipedia website.

Dave showed the calendar. The OT Committee was on there.

Anyone can create a page and Scientolipedia admins can take control if they do.

How to create a page:

Bill found Scientolipedia through searching "GPM".

Wordpress blogs could be moved to Scientolipedia and that would help the Scientolipedia gain more traction.

Newletters could go out more frequently if someone stood up and took over it.

Theo mentioned we need channels and terminals for communication. Volume of communication is what matters.

Discussion of promotion seems to be the central theme of what people are feeling.

Theo says: I would be on Div 6 and I would like to help in promoting to new people.

Link to OTC Page:

Link to recent Changes Page