Progress Report.

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Progress Report.

In February of this year (2015) I started this page and have added a certain amount to it. After a while I got discouraged, or distracted, and the project went cold or you could say went into apathy! Recently I have looked at it from various points of view (including auditing myself about it) and new life has come into the project. I decided to dump all the books I haven't yet catalogued on the floor with the evil intention of leaving each one there until it had been handled for this project. The result is seen in the following photograph, taken at the beginning of August.

Aug 2015 Books to be included

The number of books in that pile is 50.

I'm also working on a project to get a picture of a number of Scientology book covers to place on the top of the main page.

I think this project has a certain importance, perhaps not earthshaking, but I think when it's completed it will demonstrate as a little facet of the history of Scientology that there has always been an effort for people to express themselves and their views on Scientology which sometimes has been accepted by the official body (for a relatively short time).

Additionally there are some fairly comprehensive books in that pile (examples: Super Scio, Excalibur Revisited, Self Clearing) which should not go unrecorded in any comprehensive record of Scientology outside the official body, (they will also take some effort to review them comprehensively.) The original intention, although I use the word books, can better be expressed as publications and would include Clear Bird which was published on Internet.

While I've collected quite a number of Scientology books in my time I know that there are others which I don't have and invite others to join in the fun and write up (or let me know about) non-LRH Scientology books which they may have in their possession or have seen.

Antony A Phillips (talk)17:11, August 27, 2015

I have now placed pictures of my Scientology books on the main page, three pictures second in the middle last at the end.

Antony A Phillips (talk)12:39, December 8, 2015