The OT Committee/september 2017

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OTC Meeting Debrief - September 2017

The OTC meeting held Sunday September 24 had a great turnout considering the fact there was only three days notice given for the event. (next meeting will be Sunday October 22, 2017 - more on that later) There were 14 people who attended either online, or as in a couple cases, by calling into the meeting. There were surprisingly few software technical issues and most attendees were able to log in easily and see and hear each other.

We should "take a win" - this was a first ever!

The first meeting had a basic purpose to see if there was enough interest in the idea of forming up an OT Committee for the field to make it worthwhile to plan future meetings and to get some basic organization started so the Committee could help forward LRH's intention to bring his workable technologies to the people of earth.

The turnout and communications I've received, and seen on social media, has satisfied me that there is, in fact, a great deal of interest in the idea we "get the show on the road" and begin a new era of Scientologists taking responsibility for all of the dynamics.

Now we need some organization applied to this new activity so the committee can effectively operate in its coordination of field activities role.

As mentioned in the meeting, I took the role of "acting" Chairman to get it started. I'll be proposing that this become an elected position with a one year term. In this way we can have a democratically responsive entity which reflects the consensus of the members. More on that in the next meeting. More updates and data to come as we work to move this initiative forward. Thank You to all who attended and to all who want to support this.


Dave LaCroix